Favorite mystery/suspense writers: not female

Hard Boiled Cool SlutAnd, oddly enough, few if any of them are female because I don’t relate to emotions or estrogen or confusion or second-guessing or mental bullshit.  I related to testosterone.

There is, however, one female writer that I do, off the bat, critically enjoy (and then re-joy), named Chelsea Cain.  But only because she writes about her female serial killer Gretchen Lowell.

The other “cozies” or “who-dunits” or other soft-core female mystery writers I cast aside because they haven’t walked the walk or talked the talk.  I couldn’t care less about romantic novels or female mysteries.

When I began to write and submitted a draft to an FBI IA many years ago, when I actually worked for the FBI, and she said “I don’t like the cuss words,” I knew I was on to two things: 1) she was correct, she didn’t like the cuss words.  And 2) she had no idea what occurred back behind her in the various squads.

I also knew she was reacting emotionally.  And not with reality.

I knew I was, then, on to something.

I decided to take advantage of that and, since, have submitted various manuscripts for publication that have netted me dollars in the 4 figures.  Although, yes, I have been published, I am still looking for something of a breakout.  And I’m finding that, yes, the major obstacle to my breakout is with female editors and agents and houses.

Because, make no mistake, females rule the publishing word of books and houses and agents and editors.

For another very salient reason: so few males tend to read or purchase books any more.

Because many males are more interested in killing each other, joining gangs, burying their noses into iPhones or iPads or other various and sundry media devices and games.

And I’m going to take advantage of that whilst I may.

To that I end I say: buy books written by males, because those writers are a dying breed.  So goes Elmore Leonard and so goes Robert B. Parker and so goes Vince Flynn.

Goodbye to Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett and James Cain and George Coxe and W.R. Burnett and Mickey Spillane.

I’ll be coming out with a book within a year or so; it will likely be self-published.  If for no other reason than I don’t write to please females or the inept or the emos.  I write for no other reason than to please me and what I would care to read.

If female editors and publishers and agents pick me up; so be it.  If they don’t, I’ll simply continue to self-publish.

I’ll know why: female writers sell to female readers.  Fewer male readers = fewer male writers.

A sad state of affairs.




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2 thoughts on “Favorite mystery/suspense writers: not female

  1. Have you ever read any books written by Lisa Gardner? I would think the books are written by a man if nobody told me who wrote them.

    • I read her a while ago. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve read female mystery/suspense writers, Scottoline, Kava, Brown, Evanovich, Gerritsen, Paretsky, Barr, Slaughter, Cornwell.

      But men apparently reading much any more, and that’s certainly true for the upcoming generations.


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