FCC eyes tax on Internet service

From TheHill.com:

The Federal Communications Commission is eyeing a proposal to tax broadband Internet service.

The move would funnel money to the Connect America Fund, a subsidy the agency created last year to expand Internet access.

The FCC issued a request for comments on the proposal in April. Dozens of companies and trade associations have weighed in, but the issue has largely flown under the public’s radar.

Once again, removing money from YOU and ME in order to give not just iPhones, but internet services to the American “Poor” and, by extension, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

If members of Congress understood that the FCC is contemplating a broadband tax, they’d sit up and take notice,” said Derek Turner, research director for Free Press, a consumer advocacy group that opposes the tax.

But here’s the kicker — and you knew this: you’re ALREADY TAXED for the internet!

Last year, the FCC overhauled a $4.5 billion portion of the Universal Service Fund and converted it into a broadband Internet subsidy, called the Connect America Fund. The new fund aims to subsidize the construction of high-speed Internet networks to the estimated 19 million Americans who currently lack access.

WHO, ladies and gentlemen, will finally begin to stand UP for the American Taxpayer who, literally, funds EVERY NATION on the planet?  Where is the TEA Party?

Who will stand UP?

Now go back and re-read this post, playing the above tune from “Revolver.”


Here’s our current state, America:


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12 thoughts on “FCC eyes tax on Internet service

    • I can’t even have “high speed internet” at my house because I live in the mountains! And I’m supposed to pay for FREELOADERS to have THEIR internet paid for FREE??


  1. Time for a modern day CCC to put all there welfare recipients to work!!!!
    Tired of seeing them all sitting on their porches drinking malt liquor.
    No work, no drink, no pussy!!!!!

    • Oh, but wait — Mr Obama ALREADY took care of that!

      THIS very month, he REMOVED the “work” aspect from welfare, declaring it too judgmental! Too HARSH! Too onerous! Too expectational!

      As Mr Obama has said for years:

      WORK = BAD!
      FREE = GOOD!



  2. I have to correct 1 thing. The “Connect America Fund” subsidizes extending construction of high-speed Internet networks to lower density populations, not individual people. Many rural areas didn’t have (and many still don’t) access due to their remoteness. I’m talking towns here, not just a house or two every hundred square miles. The 19 million people figure is the number that it could affect. Some might buy the service and some would not.

    “THIS very month, he REMOVED the “work” aspect from welfare”
    Well of course he did BZ. After all, he didn’t ever have to work for a living, why should anyone else, except for us stupid conservatives. It’s our choice, we could ALL go on the government dole if we wanted to, as long as we start voting democrat all the time. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to make working a damned crime!

  3. Joe, you’re quite correct. However, I live in the “sticks” — or should I say, way up in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. That said, I don’t believe it’s the government’s responsibility to take my taxes and someone ELSE’s so that I have high speed internet access. When there’s a sufficiently large capitalistic motivation to pull us into the fold, private business will do so.

    Sure, I’d love to have government-funded HSI access. But NOT at the expense of YOUR tax dollars.


  4. The Internet nowadays is not only for convenience anymore but it is more of a necessity. People use the Worldwide Web everyday as a means of living, work, communication and even pleasure.

    I think there is nothing wrong with giving something to a fellow American. The Connect America Fund is actually a fund raiser whose proceeds will be for improving internet access and other telecommunications services to areas where it is poor or limited. This will increase the accessibility and availability of services to the native community especially the disabled ones.

    • Sheila, you could make that identical argument about cars and cell phones. It’s mandatory, when you think about it, that in order to meld in for everyone to have a car, a cell phone and, of course, the internet. If they really wish to “fit in” with the rest of America.

      And the “poor” and “disadvantaged” can get them all they want. It’s just not MY job to pay for it. And it’s not YOUR job to pay for my internet.

      Here is my suggestion to you: pay more taxes. Write a separate check to the IRS. More specifically, write your personal checks to these agencies or, better yet, get involved personally with them. Put YOUR cash and YOUR elbow grease where your thoughts and wishes reside.


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