Go Ahead: Vote For Him

God is nothing save a projection of your chronic loneliness, says BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

They want a sense of purpose, a narrative arc to their lives. They’re looking to relieve a chronic loneliness. And so they need an assurance that somebody out there cares about them, is listening to them — that they are not just destined to travel down that long road toward nothingness.

And there’s your future President.

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7 thoughts on “Go Ahead: Vote For Him

  1. Is it just me and a thin skin, or is this BHO indicating that religion is simply for the weak of mind and/or body, not unlike the comment he made about “bitter small town Americans clinging to guns or religion”?


  2. Great comment, Wordsmith. I made a comment this morning:

    “If we had a GOP congress, I might consider the idea of voting for a third party candidate, but if this election year pans out the way everybody thinks it will, the dems will have a filibuster proof and veto proof majority. I see that as apocalyptic.”

    BZ, I responded you your question regarding Cary’s and my Piggy-back name.

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