11 thoughts on “Guaranteeing who I won’t be voting for:

  1. Oh no! Another Conservative who thinks Obama or Clinton aren’t SO BAD….who doesn’t realize ANYTHING is better than they are and that while we don’t love Romney or another Bush, at least they aren’t a very lib Democrat.
    I’ve had a HORRIBLE time through this lib president….wait till Hillary’s elected; and she will be, by people who don’t find her bad enough to vote AGAINST.

    sorry, but that’s been my feeling since all the clever conservatives got Obama elected.
    I’m not trying to be nasty, I’m just trying to warn

  2. I sure hope you don’t think that either BZ or myself thinks Obama or Clinton “aren’t so bad” – we’ve been alerting about them since – well, since Billy was getting his cigars dampened.

    I can’t speak for BZ, but I would rather see full scale revolution than another round of same-old, same-old, even with such entrenched – I mean, traditional – names as Bush and Romney (who, by the way, are nothing more than democrat light).

    • I’m in my 60s. I’m done holding my nose. I have food, money, equipment, precious metals and the containers required to activate said precious metals. I can take care of myself and my wife. If the rest of the country tanks, I feel confident in my ability to narrow my range of responsibilities. I’m done with nothing but mouth music and no action. It’s becoming readily apparent little will change and Republicans will keep voting for fellow RINOs and screwing the American Taxpayer. If Republicans keep voting for the Establishment GOP, they get what they deserve. I don’t live in the Sierra Nevadas for nothing.

      The rest of you are on your own. Vote for your survival. If you continue to vote GOP, you must be in a much better and sustainable place than I am.


  3. Add Chris Christie to the list of unvotables (my new word). After 8 years of Obama the American people had better elect someone other than what the media leads us to believe are the top contenders.

  4. I’m pedaling as quickly as I can for the coming chaos.
    Dems will get it here more quickly. Bush/Christie/Romney/some other rich Northeastern puke will simply slow that outcome.
    I’m tired of “drip, drip, drip” destruction of my country. I’m probably better prepared for when the “SHTF” than most.
    If I have the choice between Hillary and “Hillary Lite” I’ll vote for the full-strength version. Have you looked at our national debt lately?
    Let’s get this party started.

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