3 thoughts on “NFL: the priority

  1. Oh, good. This give me a chance to ask something. I freely confess that while I like to watch football, well, some teams, the finer points are beyond me. So this ‘inflategate’ or ‘deflationgate’.. Both teams were using the same ball, right? So why would one team have an advantage over the other? I mean, does one team know it plays better with deflated balls (boy, doesn’t that sound odd…)? And how would this affect the running game? Lighter balls to carry? (that also sounds odd). Sign me, mystified by it all.

    • Each team selects their own roughtly 12 balls or so. Generally, the QB, because he has to touch them so often, vets the balls and chooses which ones he wants in a game. The Patriots will choose some balls for their QB to throw in the Super Bowl, and the Seahawks will choose some balls to throw in the Super Bowl. They use those balls when their clubs are on offense.


      • Sooo. Hm. Okay. So each time a team gains possession…the balls are changed. To a ball vetted by the team now on offense. I had no idea. Thank you, BZ. So I’m guessing the balls must be marked somehow so the refs. know which ball belongs to which team?

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