“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
~Thomas Jefferson
In the past month there have two major US incidents which one again focused attention on firearms by those determined to remove guns from the American public.
Liberal billionaire and mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has pulled amazing anti-gun fecal material out of his ass from these incidents. Go here and here. He can afford to do this. He has his own security force both afforded by NYPD and privately. He is transported by armored limousine. His home is protected by state-of-the-art security systems.
I suspect that yours is not. I know that mine is not.
In truth, Bloomberg refuses to acknowledge the fact that he has, per capita, THE largest police force in the entire nation in terms of citizen-to-cop ratios.
Go here for the NYC Homicide Map, which breaks down stats by year, race, sex, weapon and borough. NYC homicides between 2003 and 2011? 4,161. US troops killed in Iraq? 4,414. NYC kills more people than does a purposeful war in a foreign country. The Iraq war began in 2001, as a gentle reminder.
People killed by firearms in NYC between 2003 and 2011 by percentile? Check this graphic:
There’s your firearm ban efficacy, Mayor Bloomberg. And yet you continue to rail again and again against firearms. You cannot see the abject failure of your stance in the city with the hardest line against guns in the entire nation. There were 193 murders in just the first six months of your administration this year, Mr Bloomberg. At a time when major crime is DOWN across the nation. YOUR COPS have helped make YOU look good, Mayor Bloomberg. Yet you continue to spout off about gun control.
Plus, we haven’t even addressed the issue in Chicago.
John Avlon writes in The Daily Beast:
As the sun rose Sunday, New York City hit a remarkable milestone, recording just 193 murders in the first six months of the year. In that same span, more than 250 murders were recorded in Chicago—a city just one third as large.
Of course, Chicago sports rampant gun control as well.
Chicago hasn’t seen murders at this pace since 2003, when the city suffered 283 homicides by the end of June, and 601 over the year. The violence that began to explode in neighborhoods across this city this spring represents a 36 percent increase in murder over the same stretch of last year.
But here’s the deal: NYPD instigated “stop and frisk.” That stance is being attacked. Yet it clearly yields:
New York City’s historic success comes at a time of increased critical scrutiny of the NYPD and its commissioner, Ray Kelly. Last month, the NAACP held a silent street protest to draw attention to its demand that the controversial “stop and frisk” policy be ended. In addition, there have been allegations of widespread padding of crime statistics.
Padding stats in CompStat, in NYPD? Perish the thought!
But here is the proverbial Turd In The Punchbowl — the proverbial Cat Down The Toilet:
The fact that homicide rates in New York and most big cities have continued to decline during the Great Recession is itself a notable refutation of the “root cause” theory of crime long cherished by liberals —namely, that crime was an inevitable byproduct of tough economic times and income inequality, solvable only by welfare-state schemes. It turns out that proactive quality-of-life policing, stemming from the Broken Windows theory, ultimately does far more to reduce violence and save lives, especially in inner-city neighborhoods. The current Harlem renaissance is Exhibit A in this national evolution.
In the UK, it’s too little, too late:
Once again, governmental confiscations under the guise of “banning fox hunting.”
You can clearly see how well it’s working for both the UK and Australia.
Ladies and gentlemen, per Robert Heinlein, do you truly Grok this?
Crime is DOWN in America. Gun violence is, overall, DOWN in America.
Yet, DESPITE THIS, government believes it MUST enact even GREATER restrictions on guns in the hands of lawful citizens.
I can only reach one conclusion: this is PURPOSEFUL.
It has NOTHING to do with actual VIOLENCE.
It has EVERYTHING to do with governmental CONTROL.
Are you reading appropriately “between the lines” here?
“If you don’t do anything, you will lose your liberties.”
Now, India blames the White House for the Sikh shooting:
Indian government officials and Sikh leaders across India were outraged by the attack that left 6 dead, including 4 Indian nationals, at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee and called on the U.S. to do more to protect Sikhs living in the United Sates. Clinton called Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna from her stop in South Africa Monday after Krishna criticized the U.S. for failed policies and a growing trend of violent incidents against religious minorities.
There you go again BZ, ruining the work of the spin doctors.
As to the opinions of the rest of the world, fuck’em.
WSF, as you may know, I am not particularly attuned nor sensitized to the thoughts of the rest of the globe regarding the US, particularly in light of the ridiculous amounts of cash — OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS — that are sent overseas to regimes wishing us dead.
“Fuck ’em,” indeed.
Leftist politicians know what they are doing when they try to ban guns. They are setting themselves up as the great protectors of the people.
Trouble is, politicians always take the power away from people and “give” it to themselves.
Control is control, whether it references guns, taxes or whatever else. And government wants it.
Joe, thanks for visiting and thanks for taking the time to comment.
Let’s the blunt; the gun is just a tool. But it is a tool that can be used, should its user decide, to defend him-or-herself against ANYone, be it an individual offender or. . .
That correct. Place one word in there: ____________.
I’ve had the same conversations down in Australia, they are NOT happy, and even the cops admit they screwed up…
Imagine that, NFO — and yet they somehow didn’t see that coming?
THAT is the efficacy and insight of Government — ANY government!
They cannot forecast themselves out of the proverbial Paper Bag and fail to see consequences of their actions.
I submit: PURPOSELY.
I have seen statistics that state there are about 80 million gun owners in America with a combined total of 258 million guns – 2 people go crazy, or stupid, and commit mass murder with a gun. 2 people … out of an estimated 80 MILLION gun owners, folks, that comes out to 0.000000025% of ALL American gun owners. I would hardly call this a national trend.
Maybe Obama, Bloomberg and Company think all of us *good Ol’ boy* gun owners can’t use a calculator.
It ISN’T a “trend” — overall, violence is down despite economic conditions. I can verify that. In the early 90s when I was in Robbery, my case load was frigging HUGE. Now, Robbery Detectives in my agency think their decks are awash if they get 10 cases per detective per month. They don’t know what work IS.
It’s a PLOY and to be used for, finally — as with the UK and Australia — confiscation.
What other Final Solution could there be?
A Citizen is a person who is ARMED. An UNarmed person is naught but a SERF.
I am NO serf.
Obama and his cronies, including Bloomberg all have protection and don’t give a rats-rear-end if US citizens are left unprotected and defenseless against would-be assailants. It IS about government control, look at the result when Hitler took over in Germany.
I will say this for the South, we will not give up our guns without a fight, and the government does NOT have the authority to violate our right to bear arms, period.
This is a huge issue and people had better start waking up and that includes those in the south who are all ga-ga over Obama, because he will not hesitate to take control of their healthcare, guns, etc.
Sick and tired of this arrogant, narcissist president who believes he can do whatever he wants and the people will just gobble it up.
You bet your Aircraft Signaling System they ALL have professional protection — and you DON’T.
But, Leticia, you haven’t heard the best yet in terms of Presidential Fiat. Wait until you see a coming post.
It actually sickens me to see what is happening in Australia.
I hope that many of our states would secede if there was such a mandate here.
The red tide is rising.
Oh, by the way, Mao had a little red book, now we have one too.
Download your PDF here:
The ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) does not want you to have one yet if you are not a member.
Be sure to have a proper receptacle handy, if you are conservative you will vomit.