Let’s now make it official.
This country is gone.
The Fix In Phoenix worked. One phone call afterwards is all it took. Our so-called “leaders” have again chosen their jobs over the security of you, me, and the United States of America.
As Leftists, Demorats and the like laugh and squeal like pigs, the rest of this nation weeps silently, knowing that there is no longer an actual “rule of law” in the United States.
The UKDailyMail.com wrote:
BREAKING NEWS: Clinton cleared on email scandal by FBI – despite sending and receiving top-secret information on a server which was ‘possibly’ hacked by America’s enemies
by David Martosko and Geoff Earle
- FBI Director James Comey addressed reporters Tuesday morning and said the agency will refer Hillary Clinton’s case to the Justice Department for possible prosecution
- But he said that ‘we are expressing to the Department of Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case’
- The former secretary of state ran a private email server that contained more than 2,000 classified documents
- Donald Trump has claimed she is ‘guilty as hell’ and tweeted after Comey’s announcement that ‘The system is rigged’
- Clinton will make a Tuesday afternoon campaign appearance in North Carolina with President Barack Obama
FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that the FBI will not recommend federal prosecution of Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server to store what turned out to be thousands of classified documents in her emails.
The U.S. Justice Department has the final say, but Attorney General Loretta Lynch said last week that she ‘fully expects’ to act on whatever the FBI recommends. The FBI doesn’t expect any criminal charges to result, Comey said.
‘We are expressing to the Department of Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case,’ he said.
‘In looking back into our investigations into the mishandling or the removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts.’
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump fired back almost immediately on Twitter.
‘The system is rigged,’ he wrote. ‘General Petraeus got in trouble for far less. Very very unfair! As usual, bad judgment.’
To say that I am disappointed in FBI Director James Comey is an understatement. I cannot quite adequately gather the words I have to describe him right now. Nor the FBI. Fidelity. Bravery. Integrity. Those words mean nothing now. They are as worthy of attachment to the FBI as the various trite motivational posters you would have seen in the corridor of a Bernie Madoff office. The “straight shooter” reputation of James Comey is out the window. Gone. Like the honesty of those in the rest of the US government. Comey detailed gross misconduct and then said there would be no prosecution. “Although there is evidence.” Insane. Simply insane.
Yet, I am sure there is more to come.
As the Leftists, Demorats and Progressives do their level best to pound this decision up the ass of the American public and bleat “see, we told you, Hillary Clinton is an honest as the day is long.”
This country weeps. People with actual ethics, who work in jobs requiring intelligence clearances and somehow manage to stay within the boundaries of the laws and morals of this nation, they know what this means.
They know that “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
Buy ammunition.
Buy LOTS of ammunition.
Zombies are out there in greater numbers than I imagined.
There has been a death in my family…
He WAS my Uncle Sam.
Why do people obey laws when their own federal government obeys whatever laws it picks and chooses, when it is politically or fiscally expedient?
As also: immigration?
Perhaps the people should pick and choose whatever laws THEY wish to obey, because the federal government picks and chooses quite obviously.
when the FBI questioned Hillary Saturday afternoon on a holiday weekend then announced findings Tuesday morning there were only two possibilities.
1) the entire FBI had worked non-stop from Saturday until Tuesday morning, checking and rechecking her statements
2) she was going to walk and the whole weekend was kabuki.
i doubt that there should be lots of FBI overtime paid for this past weekend.
There you go. I’m all about #2 above. If there is ONE thing you realize about Demorats, they KNOW how to WIELD and THROW ABOUT the power they possess, whereas the GOP is entirely spineless when it is in power.
Gotta hand this win to the Demorats. And now, Michael Medved and Paul Ryan prove they are daft. Medved wants the Demorats to rally around and insist that Hillary not be a candidate. Ryan continues to attack Trump. Medved: don’t be a moron. You can’t be that stupid. Ryan: if not Trump, what’s your alternative? Elect Hillary?
Agree with GB, and I was sitting with a USAF Major (and security manager) when we saw the Comey statement. The major was spitting mad, and said he’s done. He’s resigning his commission, he can’t take the BS anymore. (And that’s the politest I can say it on here)… If I were still in .gov, I’d probably be doing the same thing!!! We are screwed, blued, tattooed and aren’t even going to get a kiss, unless it’s the kiss of death…
Obama, Clintons, Lynch, Demorats, have now reduced government service to self-aggrandizement, self-enrichment and destruction of the US. There is no more serving in service, unless it means a government political employee.
You won’t even get a reach-around, much less a kiss. You’ll simply be expected to PAY MORE taxes and shut the hell up.
There is LOTS of serving in service…..self-serving.
Didn’t think I could have a lower opinion of the Fan Belt Inspectors. Turns out I was wrong. They have less integrity than a TSA screener.
I had high hopes for Comey. Now he is dead to me. The ETHICAL FBI agents remaining should ensure the REAL information gets LEAKED and SPLASHED to the public.
From your lips to God’s ears, BZ.
I had heard that if this sort of decision came down, many dedicated agents might resign.
If that happens, I hope they blow this thing wide open before they leave.
We MUST understand, however, that the line level agents are just as disgusted as we are.
Anyone above SSA, ASAC, SAC, are nothing but suckerfish.
It is EXACTLY this sort of thing that our Founding Fathers gave us the 2d Amendment. If the soap box and the ballot box fail, we have one last box to try…the cartridge box. And our better know this, which is why they are desperate to do away with the 2d A.
For now, it’s their sandbox, and we’re just in it. They no longer work for us, they rule over us. We are the unwashed masses to be controlled and used as pawns. A source of money in which to pad their overseas bank accounts. Their positions of power are to be used for their own personal gain, and nothing more. If We The People receive benefit from their efforts, it was incidental. We are on par with most other third world banana republics. The had to save hiLIARy, as they have already stuffed the ballot boxes with her name, and it would certainly be a bother to have to change all those ballots out now.
As John Adams said, “…Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”.
And this is why our country is failing. Morality is gone. Responsibility for one’s own action is gone, and informed and involved citizen is gone.
And since I am quoting our Founding Fathers, here are two more that apply greatly to this horrible event.
“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” – Patrick Henry
And Finally…
“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” – Samuel Adams
Wow,,,,words of rebellion come forth.
Can any of this be removed with a President Trump?
Yes,I believe so.
If Hillary Clinton gets elected President of the USA, a war upon us will happen.
Our foreign enemies will align to destroy us while the Clinton Administration begs for her safety.
Ann Barnhardt has been writing this for months before all this happened. That the rule of law has died.
Sort of a small type of prophet we have here.
Same as Ayn Rand with ‘Atlas Shrugged’ predicting what is going on now with America in her book.
Oh, I forgot to add; anyone for a nice game of chess?
Anyone for a nice game of politics and self-enrichment over the needs of the people and the documents of the founding fathers?
Clearly, the Constitution and Bill of Rights can go to hell.