Hillary’s book “Hard Choices” as popular as Bill’s “My Life” — America’s next door stop

Hillary Clinton TiredFrom the WeeklyStandard.com:

Publishing Source: Hillary Book a ‘Bomb’

by Daniel Halper

In an email this evening, a veteran publishing source calls the latest Hillary Clinton book, Hard Choices, a memoir of her State Department years, a “bomb.” The source is referring to the early but underwhelming sales figures.

“Between us, they are nervous at S&S [Simon & Schuster],” says the source, who gave permission for his email to be published. “Sales were well below expectations and the media was a disaster.”

According to this source, a Simon & Schuster insider, “They sold 60,000 hard covers first week and 24,000 ebooks.” The publishing house was “hoping and praying for 150,000 print first week.”

“The 60k represents a less than 10% sell thru based on what they shipped,” says the source. 

I find myself so personally disappointed in Hillary.

Oh wait.  Income.  Discretionary cash.  That’s right; nobody has any.  The American Taxpayer’s own “hard choices.”  Food, gas, or Hillary’s book.

Good point.



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7 thoughts on “Hillary’s book “Hard Choices” as popular as Bill’s “My Life” — America’s next door stop

  1. she got $14 million up front. the publishing house might consider it a bust, but she doesn’t. it never had any chance of selling enough to justify that advance. it was a bribe for future services or payment for past, perhaps both.

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