House Majority Leader Eric Cantor: defeated by TEA Party economics professor


Cantor upset in Virginia GOP primary by Tea Party-backed challenger

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost his GOP Virginia primary race to Tea Party-backed challenger Dave Brat Tuesday night in a stunning upset.

Brat, an economics professor and political novice, latched onto the hot-button issue of immigration, accusing Cantor, the No. 2 Republican in the GOP-led House, of supporting immigration legislation that would give “amnesty” to millions of people living illegally in the United States.

Illegal Immigrants Love the USHere, by the way, is what some of those loving illegal immigrants think of the United States of America and the help they are receiving from the nation — above.

The upset sent shock waves across Capitol Hill with speculation about whether Cantor would resign his leadership post and if any Republican incumbent would now dare to support immigration reform. Cantor aides did not respond Tuesday when asked if the 51-year-old would launch a write-in campaign in November.  

So: is this a “one-off” exception, or the beginning of a trend?


Illegal Immigrants Secure Border

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3 thoughts on “House Majority Leader Eric Cantor: defeated by TEA Party economics professor

  1. Kantor was a joke locally. If he was seen in his district it was a serious news story. He brought this on himself by not being a representative of the district. Then he lied about his opponent. Just too many straws on that camel! How the national media EVER thought he was conservative still baffles us in the Virginia 7th.

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