Illegal Chinese woman responsible for DC paint vandalism

PaintVandalTianAh, gotta love those illegals, yes?  They’re loving, patriotic, hard-working, reverent, respectful, honest, forthright.  Especially law abiding.

Except, this time, instead of some illegal Mexican running drugs or breaking laws, it’s a Chinese woman who has overstayed her visa.  From WTOP in the District of Columbia:

Woman charged with vandalism had can with green paint

WASHINGTON – A woman charged with defacing the Washington National Cathedral was carrying what appeared to be a soda can containing green paint when she was arrested, and she has been linked to at least four other incidents of vandalism, including at the Lincoln Memorial, according to prosecutors and court documents.

Jiamei Tian, 58, appeared in D.C. Superior Court Tuesday alongside a Mandarin translator.

The woman was arrested Monday at the cathedral, where she is accused of using green paint to deface an organ and decorative woodwork in two separate chapels.

She’s been charged with defacing and destroying private property. A judge on Tuesday ordered her held without bond.

Authorities believe the green paint vandalism was part of a pattern of similar acts. Green paint was discovered splattered onto the Lincoln Memorial early Friday morning, and it was also reported Friday on a statue of Joseph Henry — the Smithsonian’s first secretary — outside the Smithsonian headquarters on the National Mall.

Lincoln Memorial Defaced GreenIt turns out that this loving 58-year-old woman, with a Chinese passport, was zatting around with an expired visa.  She was also very busy with green paint.  Below, the Washington National Cathedral:

DC National Cathedral Green PaintI have just one question for my readers: what do you think would happen had an American overstayed a visa in, say, Peking, and then vandalized sacred Chinese memorials with green paint?


But here in America, we’ll pat this illegal old Chinese chick on the head and let her off with some stern sarcasm.  We’ll worry about a proper translator, make sure she has a clean pillow, and listen to her complaints about jail food not being Chinese. We’ll beat our own breasts asking “why would she do this?” and then have domestic Leftists reply in kind: “because the US is evil and oppressive and she was merely expressing her frustration with America’s historic destructive and dictatorial regimes — with the exception of the current Obama Administration.”

I rest my case.




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5 thoughts on “Illegal Chinese woman responsible for DC paint vandalism

  1. She’s got nut job written all over her.
    Psychol Med. 1997 Jul;27(4):791-8.
    Incidence and outcome of schizophrenia in whites, African-Caribbeans and Asians in London.
    “Asians showed a high rate among people age 30 and over, particularly women.”
    I have noticed this trend and this one fits the bill to a T.
    Thorazine – Shrink Wrap – Cargo plane.
    Do not waste a dime trying to prosecute.

  2. Not an isolated instance.
    It wasn’t too long ago (May) that a chinese teenager defaced the ancient Egyptian temple of Luxor with grafitti. (IMO a caning offense). This happened shortly after the Chinese vice PM asked his country’s tourists to improve their behavior while abroad.

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