In the voices of blacks themselves:

Interesting to see just who these racists wish to murder.  .  .

And, by the way, this video is sponsored and featured via  His lovely FaceBuch page is here.  You all need to see it.  I wrote about this racist, earlier, here.

Because, in a role reversal, had a Caucasoid male been employed by DHS and sponsored this amount of hate, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and advocation of violence and murder, he would not only be fired but be facing local hate crime charges, federal prosecution by Holder’s DOJ, and a subsequent civil prosecution as well.


Interview of Dr. Khallid Muhammad is by Phil Donohue, in 1994.  Full interview is hereMuhammad was shot by James Bess, a former NOI member, after he spoke at the University of California at Riverside on May 29, 1994.

Correct.  Murdered by a fellow black Nation of Islam member.



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3 thoughts on “In the voices of blacks themselves:

  1. William Lafferty expresses similar feelings:

    “On the other side, although political correctness gives blacks a pass on virtually anything they want to do, it also creates reverse racism. Political correctness promises a favored status in every aspect of life, and blacks, relying on this promise, are resentful that whites don’t give enough. When “enough” is not forthcoming (because at some point giving more becomes untenable even for submissive whites), hatred sets in because whites have not properly recognized the privileged status of blacks, and they have not suffered enough, as political correctness promised they would.” (Read more:


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