IRS: screw the taxpayer

Obama Scandals & IRSFrom the’

IRS ignoring 60 percent of taxpayers’ calls as deadline looms

by Stephan Dinan

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen aid Tuesday that service at his agency has gotten so bad that they are ignoring more than 60 percent of taxpayers’ phone calls during this tax season

Speaking at the National Press Club, Mr Koskinen pleaded for more money, saying a budget boost would help them staff their overwhelmed customer service lines. He also said it would help reverse staffing cuts in their compliance division, where he said the government will lose $2 billion this year in money it would otherwise have been able to collect if it had better staffing.

But wait; I thought Mr Obama was going to hire, literally, thousands more agents in order to enforce ObamaKare.  Why can’t those agents be cross-trained to do something more constructive like, say, answer phones?

Oh wait, here comes the key paragraph:

Congress has cut or held the agency’s funding static for several years now, with lawmakers deeming the agency recalcitrant in solving problems, and unrepentant for having targeted tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny.

So I ask: just what is it that the federal government does well?  It isn’t the IRS; it isn’t the Treasury; it isn’t the EPA; it isn’t Veterans Affairs; and it isn’t Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor or Transportation.

And it most certainly isn’t the Department of State.

Guess what: it won’t be ObamaKare either.



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2 thoughts on “IRS: screw the taxpayer

  1. What does the Federal government do well? It grows bigger and more intrusive and more expensive and more controlling. That is what it does well.

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