It’s starting: “Voting machine swaps Obama for Romney”

From (in Ohio):

MARION — Joan Stevens was one of several early voters at the polls on Monday. But when Stevens tried to cast her ballot for president, she noticed a problem.

Upon selecting “Mitt Romney” on the electronic touch screen, Barack Obama’s name lit up.

It took Stevens three tries before her selection was accurately recorded.

“You want to vote for who you want to vote for, and when you can’t it’s irritating,” Stevens said.

As Hugh Hewitt wrote: “if it’s not close they can’t cheat.”

And boy, ladies and gentlemen, is it ever getting close.

However, according to Dick Morris, it’s going to be a runaway election — for Romney.

Your thoughts on those two camps?


Notice how the DEM/MSM can’t even get a headline correct?  The proper headline should read: “Voting machine swaps Romney for Obama.”  Sheesh!



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8 thoughts on “It’s starting: “Voting machine swaps Obama for Romney”

  1. Rigged voting machines? Oh, the surprise. His supporters will do whatever it takes to keep their gravy train running.

    Dick Morris? Like him; watch his videos daily. Remain a bit skeptical as, like all of us, he has his personal interests at stake. Hope he is correct about this election.

    • You just quoted Stalin:

      “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
      – Joseph Stalin

      True then. True now.


  2. it breaks my heart that Americans would cheat on voting; that’s the one sacred thing we could count on.
    I hate this all…………..if Romney loses, it’ll ONLY be because of fraud and I believe Axelrod’s got that all figured out.
    And, if we dare gripe, they’ll silence us with “Sore losers” wait for it.
    And who’ll stand up for US? NOBODY.
    By the way, where the heck is John Boehner? If Libya happened to a Republican president, Pelosi’d be on TV 24/7 slamming the Republican.

    • And I believe you’re correct, Z.

      It’s pretty much pre-destined.

      UNLESS the win is so LARGE as to make Romney president and Obama subsumed.

      Boehner is Old School. He cares about HIM and no one else.

      I trust him as much as I can comb his shellacked hair.


  3. The earlier you let people vote, the more bus loads of Somolies, dead people, and other dregs of society SEIU can haul to the polls. No need to vote twice, but they will anyway. I wonder if New Jersey will be a red state now that they lost a few days worth of “votes”?

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