Joshua Cornelison: Sgt Bergdahl walked off post and put thousands at risk, got six soldiers killed

Sgt Bowe BergdahlTom Sullivan featured a caller today (Monday) who identified himself as Joshua Cornelison, a medic who had treated newly-released US Army Sgt Bowe Bergdahl for a staph infection prior to his apparent desertion.  He said that Sgt Bergdahl had only been in-country roughly six weeks when he left his small post in Afghanistan.  Purposely.

Cornelison said, in part:

… (Bergdahl) ended up walking off our small outpost in the middle of nowhere and he purposefully and willfully left under his own conscious and will and he decided he wanted his own adventure in Afghanistan and subsequently put myself and my other 29 other platoon members in tremendous amount of harm initially. And then as all the resources got shifted in to Paktika.. he put thousands and thousands of more people in danger and there were causalities because of that …

You can listen to the 12-minute radio cut here; click on the audio player.

Overall, Cornelison said:

4:24 INCornelison explains why there’s no way the Taliban could have “taken” Bergdahl
7:06 INCornelison says he’d ask Bergdahl why he abandoned his post, put fellow soldiers at risk
8:16 INCornelison explains how they lost men as a result of Bergdahl’s desertion.

This brings up some excellent questions:

  • Why is Sgt Bergdahl isolated after his acquisition?
  • Why was he worth trading for five Taliban leaders, sworn to kill Americans?
  • Why did we trade at all?
  • Why do we negotiate with terrorists?
  • Do we have no idea the consequences of negotiating with terrorists?
  • Why was Bergdahl’s father’s first words to his son from a podium in DC, in Arabic?

And many more questions.

Frankly, this stinks completely to high heaven.  More to come.



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10 thoughts on “Joshua Cornelison: Sgt Bergdahl walked off post and put thousands at risk, got six soldiers killed

  1. Much more to come…

    Indeed there is… I was told that my post on Bergdahl was too nice, and maybe it was, but I wanted MORE info before I blasted off on the guy..

    I believe we now HAVE that much needed info…

    • I would ASK you, TF, to click on the link to the radio exchange between Tom Sullivan and Joshu Cornelison. This guy sounds COMPLETELY truthful and accurate to me.


    • Don’t hold your breath:
      A senior U.S. official told The Associated Press that the Army would make the decision on any charges but that the feeling at the moment was that Bergdahl had suffered enough in his ordeal.

  2. Barry needed something to deflect the VA scandal, and to show “leadership”. Didn’t matter what he did was illegal (needed Congressional approval as I understand it) and sets a precedence for negotiating with terrorists. That will encourage more hostage taking. I’m not sure he is clueless, or he has surrounded himself with the clueless (Valarie Jarrett, anyone).

    He just lurches from crisis to crisis, makes speeches, and the Progressives scream “racism” every time someone criticizes him.

    • A good question:

      A DIVERSION from Benghazi and from the VA scandals?

      Or: a scandal all its own, now on Front Street?


      • Just my opinion, but I believe Obama is now trying to hurt this country in any way he can since he has gotten away with EVERYTHING so far and thinks he can’t be touched. A diversion from the VA scandal? Yes, but this one truly shows whose side he’s on as he knew of Bergdahl’s situation and his father’s religious beliefs.

  3. I think if bergdahl had been captured, truly captured, during a fight for example, people’s reactions would be different, not approving of the swap, but different.. However, all of the info coming to light about his emails to his father, his ashamed to be an American (are you listening, Moochelle?), his disillusionment with the military and the murky circumstances of his capture among other things makes this swap even more unpalatable. Had he obeyed orders and stayed where he was supposed to stay, six men in his unit would probably be alive today, in addition to those in other units who lost their lives in the months looking for him. His actions cost men’s lives, destroyed their families and now with this terrorist swap may have laid the groundwork for further conflict in Afghanistan when the US pulls out. Which will mean more lives lost. Not to mention the increased risk to American troops as hostages.
    All because of one little man who wouldn’t obey orders.

  4. So how can you state that at 7:06 IN of the interview – Cornelison says he’d ask Bergdahl why he abandoned his post, put fellow soldiers at risk … why don’t you state the real question … if you had the OPPORTUNITY to ask this soldier why he left the post. Also, this is a medic, yes a part of the platoon but who was the EXO!!! Where is the military report filed that stated a soldier was lost in action … I believe that is one of the correct terms … and this is a medic’s side of the story that is now coming out after how many years? Please do a better job at journalism and get all the facts. Rather than just find some dirt! Yes American lives have been lost in wars … some unnecessary wars … like the two conflicts we have had to endure over the past … 10 plus years! How many years did WWI or WWII last, even Korea and Vietnam did not last this long! So I find it real interesting that out of the dirt comes a source that claims to know so much yet was this person involved in the search and rescue of an American soldier and where does this person have the right to say this soldier deserted … that is his personal opinion … is it backed up by some facts or just this makes another great headline to sell advertising?

    • Mr Clancy, that’s odd; I thought I made it clear that the interview was on the Tom Sullivan show. I would assume you’re addressing this to Mr Sullivan. And if it’s directed to me, please look around. Do you see advertising here?

      Thanks for weighing in.


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