Just another lap around the boat

As if you couldn’t guess, I very much enjoy cockpit interior videos.

Here, a McDonnell Doughlas T-45C Goshawk is affixed to the catapult, launched, and then trapped for qualifications.  The curved lines atop the canopy are forms of detcord, whose job it is to perforate and destroy the canopy prior to a pilot ejecting.  It would be very poor form, you see, to eject a pilot through the perspex itself.



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4 thoughts on “Just another lap around the boat

  1. Super great video. Felt exactly like I was in this plane.
    Also, I found myself “glancing over” to your Fathers picture. He was smiling at me!
    I made a really great landing with his help.
    Weird,,,,chills. Best post ever.

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