Surprising news about firearms in homes

right to bear armsFrom

Guess What Twice as Many Americans Are Saying About Guns Now as Compared to 10 Years Ago

by Zach Noble

“Having a gun in the house — safer or more dangerous?”

If you asked Americans that question 10 years ago, the majority would have answered, “More dangerous,” but in 2014, the tables have turned.

According to a Gallup poll released Friday, nearly two-thirds of Americans say that having a gun makes a home safer — almost twice the percentage that said guns made homes safer in the year 2000.

Why do you suppose this might be?

I have a very specific idea, myself.

Please weigh in.



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4 thoughts on “Surprising news about firearms in homes

  1. I think there are things weighing on peoples’ minds, bringing them to the conclusion of arming themselves. Rampant, rough-shod lawlessness of the government is one; seeing the quick-rising mobs in Ferguson, etc., is another;
    the borders being so porous and the general populace aware of what ilk is coming over is a third; people are taking stock in themselves and their surroundings, and not liking different scenarios on the horizon are preparing themselves. People have been doing this studiously since 9-11-01, more so the last 10 years.

    • Bingo, you just hit on it. The general malaise of the economy, the over-reaching regulatory and tax inclinations of the federal government and the dishonesty of the government in general.

      Stats PROVE that gun crime is DOWN, general crime is DOWN and yet — simultaneously — gun ownership is UP. How can that be??


  2. Negro groups doing their knockout one punch on whites.
    Negro riots.
    I attend gun shows, have a table.
    I see first hand, hear their fears.
    And this is in Texas.
    Until the Conservative Republicans can get our Government back on an even keel,we will have a whole bunch of nervous voters.
    One important change will be to get this Welfare, Section 8 crap overturned and get something that stops the freeloaders,all races included.

  3. Prior to Obama’s election the only gun I owned was a12ga shotgun. I like to go bird hunting and can easily defend my home with that weapon. Since his regime came to power I purchased 3 semi auto rifles and 4 pistols not to mention a considerable amount of ammo. Why? Because Obama is an Islamo/Marxist hell bent on destroying this country and there may come a time when “We The People” will have to stand up for what is right and good. As they say here in Texas, “Come And Take It”. Visited the Alamo this past Fri for a refresher course on freedom. The Obama regime needs to be tossed out on its ass.

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