Mitt Romney forges ahead: bad news for Obama

I’ve not addressed many of my posts, here, regarding Mitt Romney.

Because, admittedly, Mitt Romney wasn’t my first choice for the GOP.  That said, he is what he is and he holds what he holds.  And that is this: the GOP choice for president.

I could go green, I could go Libertarian, I could go any number of LOSER parties.  They just don’t have the clout, the numbers, the power.  Plain and simple.  It still comes down to Demorats vs the GOP.  And me voting Demorat whilst I still have a brain?  Uh, no: Never.

So I stacked my cards up with Mitt Romney.  And then I placed, shall we say, a lot of cash with Mr Romney.  To the point where I’ve been asked to attend a local dinner with him.  As I placed with my local 4th District federal representative, Tom McClintock, some months earlier.  When I walk a walk, I also talk a talk and fund a walk.  Ask TF or Bushwack.  Instead of shutting up, I put up.

And please remember, that said, he was far from my first choice.  People talk about the elder elements in both parties — I’d have to place Mr Romney on that periphery.  Although, just, a bit at the fringe because he hasn’t attained serial appointments for the past thirty years like much of the Staid GOP.  The Comfortable, Elder, Bloated, Moderate, Elite, Back-Slapping GOP.  The CEBMEBS.

Mitt Romney is potentially up 20 points amongst Caucasoid voters.

And as I surmised earlier, some black pastors aren’t quite so taken with Mr Obama’s stance on gay marriage.  To the point where they are actively advocating against Mr Obama.

Washington (CNN) – A group of conservative black pastors are responding to President Barack Obama’s support of same-sex marriage with what they say will be a national campaign aimed at rallying black Americans to rethink their overwhelming support of the President, though the group’s leader is offering few specifics about the effort.

To help himself — Mr Obama decided to donate $5,000 to himself!

That said, Mr Romney had an incredibly-positive visit to Israel which could be summarized in this fashion:


Mitt Romney infuriated Palestinians during his visit to Israel on the weekend by calling Jerusalem “the capital of Israel.” He then added insult to injury by noting—in the context of a discussion of “culture”—the “dramatically stark difference in economic vitality” between Israelis and Palestinians. A Palestinian official called the remark “racist.”


How about “Culturist”?  Because, truly, the Palestinians exhibit a LOSING culture as contrasted to that of Israelis.

So there we go:

Again, as with Leftists, the truth gets kicked aside.




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13 thoughts on “Mitt Romney forges ahead: bad news for Obama

  1. I,m still a Democrat. McCain was the first Republican I’ve voted for since Gerald Ford. Gerald Ford was the last candidate I felt good about voting for. My walk and money is for a few state and local candidates.

    Romney is getting killed on the tax return issue. He needs to address it.

    • If I were Romney, I’d make a deal with Obama: I’ll release more tax returns when Obama decides to provide his birth certificate, his college transcripts and the White House visit logs. To start.


  2. If Romney’s tax return thing is all the *some* can address, Romney is a shew-in…

    Regarding the support that BZ offers his friends in need and the politicians that he supports, I have to say, without ANY reservation, BZ is a man of his word and generous to a fault! Call it 1st hand knowledge…

    • I have to tell you, TF, I’m thinking that Romney — more and more — is the winner in November, though it will be as much or more a vote AGAINST Obama than for Romney. At this point, I only care about the outcome and NOT the “why.”


      • Romney still doesn’t generate a bit of excitement for me, but he doesn’t cause WARNING FLAGS to fly either…

        Take back the White House and Senate, retain the House and by God DEMAND that much more be done RIGHT this time than was done when GWB had the House and Senate and let all kinds of opportunities escape him..

        • Yes, the Dems did the bidding of the ricsat white Southerners for over a century and have done the bidding of the poverty pimps for 45 years and counting. On the other hand, you can’t point to any legislative quid pro quo given the former Dixiecrats. Not one. The GOP has been the consistent Civil Rights party for all of its history. Blacks should care about what the GOP DOES in the business of making laws rather than the spin of a Southern strategy. Was it better for ricsats to vote Dem for 100 years as the Dem party opposed Civil Rights? No. That former ricsats changed parties and vote GOP is immaterial given that the GOP never has proposed laws retarding civil rights.

          • Thank you, Jessica, you make some VERY important points here.

            Thank you for visiting, and thank you for taking the time to comment. Please return frequently.


  3. Yep, truth is NOT being included in the ad campaigns nor is it even necessary for the left… And even when they have the truth in front of them, they’ll lie anyway!

    • I don’t see any ideas put forth by Obama, all I see is attack attack attack. Focus on tax returns. Focus on Romney the man and not the ideas or the philosophy, because Obama has no other cogent argument or positive works. What has he done except to sink the economy?


  4. Mitt wasn’t my first choice either. But with my first choice, or Mr. Romney, my biggest concern is “globalist” thinking. I was on the fence with NAFTA. Ultimately, it did what I hoped it would. It broke big union labor as much as they destroyed themselves stealing pensions. But then fricking Keynesian economics spewed out of “W”, the Fed., and continued with Obama. Billions of dollars, and additional secret billions flowed out refilling the coffers and covering the tracks of the liberal elite thieves. GM gets handed over to the UAW who are selling cars at a loss to keep their labor wages inflated and keep the Kool-Ade flowing.

    My candidate was a globalist, but I believe he was playing the game to win with our closest allies, our neighbors, and our labor leading the way for American exceptionalism. Mitt is a globalist too, but I fear of a different kind. As a Bilderberg member, he has dined with the Devil. Sorry, it is what it is. Our choice this election is between international corporatism and socialism and I believe this reflects two forces at odds in “The New World Order”.

    Personally, I would rather have nothing to do with either of them, nothing to do with secretive globalists, nothing to do with corporatism, or socialism. Realistically I don’t have that luxury, so I reluctantly choose corporatism. Now that may be an extremely harsh view, and, I might add, one that I do not care to see vetted at this point. We’re way past that.

    We need to destroy the Obama regime. We need not only to put Romney in the White House, we also need to gain more than 13 strong conservative seats in the Senate. Only then can we begin to restore the means of production of wealth, at least to corporations, as a stepping stone to return it to the people. This election will be the last chance for us to do so peacefully.

  5. Vote for the man with the best heart, and that is Romney.
    Obakke is truly a snake, a Marxist who truly hates everything the USA stands for.
    No one in Chicago wants him back! He attracts too much lightning.
    I doubt that Obakke will ever see any of his desires come true here. He will possibly move to Europe somewhere to write his memoirs.
    I recommend Haiti. He would fit right in there.

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