Obama & Bernanke: the definition of insanity

Let’s see if I can follow this, from — of all places — CNBC:

Fed Pulls Trigger, to Buy Mortgages in Effort to Lower Rates

The Federal Reserve fulfilled expectations of more stimulus for the faltering economy, taking aim now at driving down mortgage rates until an improvement in unemployment that the central bank says will be a problem for several years.

Let’s see:

QE1 didn’t work.

QE2 didn’t work.

What to do?  That’s right, QE3!

Then, on top of that, let’s leave QE3 completely “open ended“!


What’s that definition of insanity, again?



Thank you ever so kindly for guaranteeing another recession, coneheads.  Businesses aren’t hiring and the economy isn’t moving because the interest rates are too high, you idiots!  Businesses aren’t hiring because there’s little demand, they are over-regulated and taxed, fear ObamaKare and fear CapNTax!  Businesses want stability, not uncertainty!


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7 thoughts on “Obama & Bernanke: the definition of insanity

  1. Spending money we don’t have to prop up the economy on paper and all the while the USA goes down the tubes courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama…

    And the dumber than dirt libbers just fucking love it…

    • Only in government can it make sense that you spend what you do not have.

      Can you imagine the chaos should every family in America decide to operate in this fashion, AND make payments to creditors at their leisure — ?


  2. You can’t spend what you don’t have and borrowing only makes it worse. Obama has yet to grasp this simple and easy equation.

    AND the rest of us are stuck paying high costs for gas, groceries and losers who live off of tax dollars, instead of trying to find work, any work.

    Those that need to be on government assistance I have absolutely no problem giving my tax dollars, but seeing lazy people not doing a darn thing, hell no!

    • 1. WORK for welfare;
      2. LIMITS to welfare;
      3. DRUG TESTING for housing, foodstamps, welfare, etc;
      4. REMOVED FROM PROGRAMS for ANY positive test;

      . . . just for a start.


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