Once AGAIN, black racists weigh in — this time on Mia Love’s GOP win

Let’s start with the original Tweet:

Mia Love Tweet KneegrowBesides being stunned at the audacity of the words, in this day and age, I decided to go back and see if this was some kind of very poor joke.

It wasn’t.

Here’s the Twitter site of the writer, Monica Roberts.  Note how she typifies herself.  My guess — call me wacky — is that Roberts doesn’t vote Independent or Republican.

Monica Roberts On TwitterMonica Roberts doesn’t stop with the above Tweet.  She continues:

Monica Roberts Tweet 1It’s clear that Monica Roberts cannot see the world through anything but the glasses of race.  As in: Mr Obama’s post-racial world.  Except that she apparently cannot help but stoop to blatant racism herself, within her own melanin count collection.  But there’s more:

Monica Roberts Tweet 2The problem is also with the others who weigh in.  My guess is that NBW isn’t quite pleased with the one who “just went downstairs to get her kids ready for the school bus.”  Gosh.  I wonder, I just wonder, who that might be?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Any guess as to that person’s melanin count?

Monica Roberts can’t resist calling another black female the pejorative of “kneegrow,” because Mia Love doesn’t conform to Roberts’ own personal philosophy.

As far as Roberts in concerned, Mia Love may as well just trot right on down to the plantation and shuck cotton for her Caucasoid Masters, as the “sellout” she is.

For those uninformed, Mia Love is the first black female to be elected from Utah to the House of Representatives from Tuesday’s midterms.  She said:

“I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender,” she said during the interview. “I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table because I promised I would run a positive issues-oriented campaign and that’s what resonated.”

That was bad enough.  But she also had the audacity to say:

“Washington has gotten too big and people have gotten too small so we’ve got to start rolling up our sleeves and making sure that we bring balance back to government,” she said.

Mia Love QuotationLove’s philosophy is above.  As you can see, her beliefs are such that she does not demand Free Cheese for blacks.  Worse, she thinks the government should step away from enslaving blacks by way of broken promises, as the Demorats have done for decades.

That was too much for Monica Roberts.  How dare Mia Love, the bitch, kick aside government Free Cheese?  How dare she advocate for less instead of more government?

Once again proving black racism is alive and well and that philosophy trumps melanin count in the Demorat world.  As far as Monica Roberts is concerned, Mia Love may as well be some Soccer Mom White Chick.

If you wish to weigh in, Monica Roberts can be contacted here on Twitter.  Be nice.  But be truthful.


Mia Love Quotation 2

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12 thoughts on “Once AGAIN, black racists weigh in — this time on Mia Love’s GOP win

  1. I am not going to say anything about Love, good or bad, until she’s done something other than talk… Let’s see if her actions back her words, then she may be worth all the kudos imaginable…

    • True;

      Except that the vehemence from black racist females must be worth something. “Just because you have the same pigment, it doesn’t make you ‘one of them.’ ”

      THAT is what Roberts is saying, as are the Demorats.


    • Agreed, so far though it looks promising. Her thought process seems sound in education and paying attention. She apparently understands the real world.

  2. Excellent post BZ, you nailed this right off the bat. My take is BZ that this is the type of class warfare that Hussein Obama and his Attorney General Eric “the weasel” Holder have been planning from day one, and in some areas it is reaching fruition.
    ie; Ferguson Missouri.

    As long as there are trolls and race baiters like Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson and Eric “the weasel” Holder we will have the
    aforementioned pushing more and more big government interference into our every day lives.

    We will continue to have expanded free cheese programs, free cell phones, along with $800 so they can have (u.s.a) spending money off the backbones of the American taxpayer.

    This pattern of behavior will not stop until the liberals are run out of Washington D.C.
    It is pathetic.

    As sure as I sitting here, ISIS/ISIL are planning some type of attack against the United States of Americs.”.
    As long as we have race baiter Monica Roberts, the above captioned terrorist will continue to win elections.

    Again BZ, you hit it out for the ball park.

    The Right Handed Cowboy..

    • Thanks sir.

      And some insight: the Ferguson Grand Jury has already come back with a verdict and it is NOT a True Bill.

      Powers are in play in order to delay the release of the GJ information because the results will engender riots throughout the nation.

      Most current racist blacks couldn’t care less about facts. They simply want what they want when they want it and the truth be damned.

      When the verdict is issued: let the riots commence.

      They won’t occur where I am and won’t affect me. Therefore I frankly couldn’t care less. Go ahead and destroy your own surroundings, Ignorant Blacks.


  3. Her home town is about thirty miles from the BYU campus. Outside of the Military bases, doubt there are more than 5,000 USA born blacks in Utah. She ran before and lost, barely. In Utah, the one thing you must be is a good family woman (or man).. That is what is most important to the LDS members. Didn’t hurt she was an effective City Councilperson and mayor. The damn race pimps can go choke on their own bile.

    • That’s all those persons are: race and poverty pimps looking to acquire more power, recognition and money for THEMselves.


  4. It should read: Award winning bigot instead of award winning blogger.

    I totally agree with BZ’s comments regarding the upcoming race riots. Too bad they can’t channel all that hate toward ISIS and go over there to cause havoc.

  5. Pingback: Race baiting and racial attacks by Demorats: Condoleezza Rice weighs in on the midterms | Bloviating Zeppelin

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