Party of the Poor?

Everyone knows that, historically, the Demorats are the representatives of the Poor, the downtrodden, the needy — because the Demorats themselves can empathize, right? Conversely, the Republicans are the party of the dirty, the corrupt, the fat, the drooling, rich Fat Cats, right?

Democrats like to define themselves as the party of poor and middle-income Americans, but a new study says they now represent the majority of the nation’s wealthiest congressional districts.

In a state-by-state, district-by-district comparison of wealth concentrations based on Internal Revenue Service income data, Michael Franc, vice president of government relations at the Heritage Foundation, found that the majority of the nation’s wealthiest congressional jurisdictions were represented by Democrats.

Democrats now control the majority of the nation’s wealthiest congressional jurisdictions. More than half of the wealthiest households are concentrated in the 18 states where Democrats control both Senate seats.

This new political demography holds true in the House of Representatives, where the leadership of each party hails from different worlds. Nancy Pelosi, Democratic leader of the House of Representatives, represents one of America’s wealthiest regions. Her San Francisco district has more than 43,700 high-end households. Fewer than 7,000 households in the western Ohio district of House Republican leader John Boehner enjoy this level of affluence.

Ah yes, the Demorats: the “party of the poor.”


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10 thoughts on “Party of the Poor?

  1. BZ,
    There are a lot of misconceptions out there about Republicans and this sums it up.

    There are also a lot of misconceptions about liberals, i.e. tolerant of others views, and as you stated so well in your post, ‘the party that represents the poor’.. YEH RIGHT! As we all know they only tolerate views that they hold.

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