Pregnant Muslim woman to be hanged for marrying Christian man in Sudan

Sudan Woman Faces HangingCan’t leave the Islamic faith or you shall die.

And in the meantime Leftists are mute and there are — oddly enough — no hashtags from the First Lady about it.  She is remarkably silent on the matter.  Why is that?


This Is the Pregnant Woman Sudan Wants to Hang for Marrying a Christian

by Lama Hasan

Lawyers for a pregnant Sudanese woman plan to appeal an Islamic judge’s decision that she be flogged with 100 lashes and then be hanged for marrying a Christian man and converting.

Amnesty International and Western embassies are expressing alarm over the harsh sentence meted out to Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag, who is eight months pregnant.

So far the only concession granted by the Islamic court is to wait until Ishag gives birth before carrying out the sentence.

The judge told Ishaq, “We gave you three days to recant, but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death.” Officially her crime is apostasy.

Ishaq replied, “I am a Christian and I never committed apostasy.”

And here is the convoluted thinking:

The judge also ruled that her marriage to a Christian man was invalid and not recognized under Islamic law, which means that she had committed adultery. He ordered her to be flogged for that alleged offense.

Ah, the understanding, considerate, non-judgmental, inclusive and loving embrace of Islam, as currently practiced today.  “Islam is as Islam does.”



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5 thoughts on “Pregnant Muslim woman to be hanged for marrying Christian man in Sudan

  1. In a perfect world, 100 muslims would die for every Christian the muslims execute.
    We can all have dreams, can’t we?

  2. The US should immediately stop all foreign aid to this country. But it won’t.

    There is neither outrage nor hashtag from anyone in the WH because there is no political capital to be derived (yet). But. Let social media catch fire and you can bet the farm that would change. And yet oh my my the outrage when Putin implemented the anti homosexual laws in Russia. I guess THAT is a cause near and dear to his…heart. Killing someone for being Christian, not so much.

    • Abigail, the political benefit is the absolute locus.

      That selfsame Socialism that oh-so-man-people seem to want and demand here — not quite the same as administered under Putin, not quite the same as envisioned by Leftists?

      Socialism in action vs “Socialism” on purple-skied planets?

      I had a commenter on my prior post indicate that Coptic Christians perform clitorectomies on women and girl infants. As if they were the bulk of the offenders.

      Ah, the love, understanding, tolerance and patience of Islam, as practiced by its faithful.


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