Rep. David Scott (D – Georgia, 13th District) has the guts to state the obvious:

If you want to see what ObamaKare looks like, look at the current VA.  The VA is the minor leagues, and ObamaKare is the majors.

God bless David Scott for DARING to make this statement in public for all to see.

However, the American Media Maggots will not broadcast this video far and wide.  They will do their best to ensure you will NOT see this video for even a few seconds.

Take it away David Scott:

And there you have it.  From

Via the Free Beacon, watch to the very end for the crucial counterpoint to Obama’s nonsense this morning. Namely, the VA’s problems are very well documented. When O harrumphs that he needs to study the problem or whatever, he’s transparently doing nothing more than buying time to plot his next move politically. He’s the guy who was calling VA wait times an “urgent” problem seven years ago. Now, suddenly, he needs a few weeks or months or years for you to lose interest to get to the bottom of all this. And the fact that it’s a Democrat, not a Republican, who’s on the floor laying that out tells me this is now a five-alarm fire inside a caucus that’s already panicked about being burned to the ground this November by Obama’s unpopularity. If he’s at 42 percent today, where’s he going to be in a month when his passivity, inaction, and — to borrow a Bush-era phrase beloved by the left — incuriosity about veterans languishing from VA corruption and sclerosis are firmly on the public’s radar? Wait until they find out that he hasn’t even formally met with Shinseki in nearly two years.

Thank you, Representative Scott, for daring to state something that, unfortunately, won’t be covered or mentioned by your compatriots.  You appear to stand alone for a bit but at least you took a public stand.  Forty veterans have likely DIED while simply waiting for care that was due and promised to them.

On the other hand, Mr Obama, you said and pledged and promised to build a “21st century VA” that would take care of our veterans.  Video of you saying that, here.

And to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki I say:

You sniveling jackanape.

You think you inherited a problem-free environment?  Were you that stupid?

You sacrificed your fellow veterans and failedFAILED — to take care of them and honor them and look out for them.  They were the least capable to help themselves whilst, simultaneously, you were tasked to help them.  How could you possibly not do everything within your power to help each and every veteran having landed in a VA hospital?

Let me please state the obvious, Mr Shinseki: these veterans did not land in VA hospitals because they were happy and fulfilled and whole and uninjured.

They landed in VA hospitals because they were shot or blow apart or lost limbs or had extremities sawed off or had their minds inexorably altered by war and explosions and the searing redness of seeing their friends torn apart.

And you, sir, upon an Army Chief of Staff’s retirement — which is very, very generous — additionally served as a director for Honeywell, Ducommon, Grove Farm Corporation, First Hawaiian Bank and Guardian Life Insurance.

Let’s look at your portrait here, sir:

Gen_Eric_Shinseki_official_portraitOnce proud and true; an actual warrior.  You now make me ashamed, sir.

Since then you seem to have forgotten more than you have ever learned.  You are a minute shadow of your former self.

With you in mind, here is my goal at my advanced at of 63 and in my lowly position of Sergeant: my job is to ensure that, every shift, my troops go home at end of watch

As a supervisor for my Sheriff’s Department, my job is not to do anyone else’s job; not to do my Lieutenant’s job, not to do my Captain’s job, not to do the job of a deputy.  But still, to ensure that each and every person on my watch goes home safely and securely, no matter the cost or the advocation.

Because my job is to be an advocate for my troops unless and until they prove themselves unworthy of my advocation.

Safety rules all.  It trumps job or goal or mission.  Because if my troops aren’t safe and secure, then no one else can be safe or secure.

If this country cannot take care of 85 million Americans via the VA — then how can it possibly take care of 300 million Americans?



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11 thoughts on “Rep. David Scott (D – Georgia, 13th District) has the guts to state the obvious:

  1. Wow! Jackanape. Now that’s old school; very funny. I did the tilt head, hand over eyes, long chuckle on that one. Classic rant.

    So when I was young my dad was still in the service but we didn’t go near the VA. The conversation only happened once and we were told in no uncertain terms about the pace and quality of care. It’s strange to reflect on it. The subject was treated with such emphatic clarity that it literally never came up again.

    I don’t know anything about Shinseki except that he was in over his head.
    For my entire life the VA has been the home of crap third rate medicine and bureaucratic incompetence. Heck after dying in line at the VA they just get stacked up at Ft. Myer the same way and months later get buried in the wrong grave at Arlington. PATHETIC!

    Great men know when to ask for help.

  2. But he brought in berets for all… and you’re right… BO is hoping for something else to knock this out of the headlines, so he can ignore it just like F&F, Benghazi, et al…

  3. Good post BZ. Am retired military and thank God every day that I don’t have the need for VA health care. VA system for the most part is a joke. Wounded warriors should be given the choice of vouchers to seek medical care of their choosing for service related conditions, for life if needed. Vets would get better care and the govt would spend less money. Obama’s speech was bull shit. Expect the status quo from the VA with a little more shuckin and jivin from the White House.

  4. I’m a Army retired, Vietnam vet. I’ve been retired since 1971 because the extent of my injuries, from Vietnam, put me in a position to be medically “boarded” out of the Army. So, as a result of that, I’ve used the VA healthcare system for most my life.

    I will say that, for the most part, my care has been MORE than adequate and most times exemplary. Is that the norm? Unfortunately no, but at the same the majority of people within the VA system receive great care. But, having been a combat vet I firmly hold to the old adage, “No man left behind”. If only one veteran dies because of any type of neglect, in whatever form, it’s one too many.

    What we’re seeing here is nothing new. This has gone on through many administrations and many turnovers in both the Senate and Congress. In the 43 years of being in that system it seems I’ve heard many say, the system needs to be fixed yet, many of its warts and short comings remain. Something that I’ve listened to for OH so many years.

    Having said that, it’s BOTH parties, regardless of position, that is ultimately responsible. Past and present. It’s seems that the only time that calls are given to fix things, it always seems to coincide with election years. Until the politics that envelopes the VA both inside and out are taken out of the equation, nothing will ever change.

    I can give you many many examples of politicians tinkering with the system, on both sides, not for the benefit of veterans but for political gain for themselves. For, not unlike military bases, the VA is a cash cow for a politician and his constituents. Locations for hospitals are often decided on who, politically, stands to gain from its location, not on the effect or benefit it has for veterans.

    Am I impressed by all this caterwauling? Not in the least, for actions speak louder than words and I haven’t seen a lot of action for 43 years.

    • “Having said that, it’s BOTH parties, regardless of position, that is ultimately responsible.” And with that I would most definitely concur.

      I can’t tell you how sad it is that we treat our veterans in this fashion. I’m glad you get good care; I wish your case were the norm.


      • To add to some of this, I’m finding some of the stories I’m hearing a bit odd. Once in the system one has access to the VA’s “triage” system. A simple call to that line gives one access to a triage nurse, where you can explain a problem you are having. Many times that I’ve have used that system I’ve seen a doctors that same day, if I called early enough. Seldom do I have to wait more than at day.

        Some of the stories I’ve heard boil down to one thing. Rationing. I’m not defending the VA in this but, it is something they have to do, often through no choice of their own, because of the budget constraints they are under. As much as we’d like it to be so, The VA does NOT have an unlimited budget to work with. That is the fault, again, of politicians.

        The VA is forced into these situations by two things. Edicts or budget constraints. These edicts come from much higher than that of the management of the VA.

        Another story of cronyism within the system. We had a beautiful new clinic built here about 9 or ten years or so, ago. Beautifully landscaped, the place was almost art.

        Four years ago all the beautiful landscaping was ripped out from the parking area. As I watched the construction It was obvious they were building covered parking for the clinic. I was talking to my primary care doctor about it one day and he was PO’ed! I was to learn, from him, once the covered parking was finished, solar panels were going to be installed on top of those structures.

        I’ve since learned our little corner of paradise was not the only facility was not the only one to be having it done but, that it was happening nation wide. To many many other facilities.

        Who do YOU think that is benefiting? 😉 With funding being a BIG issue with healthcare for us veterans, money is being spent on nonsense like that! I could spend days clogging your you site with stories similar to this. Politicians and politics is the major problem the VA system has!

  5. David Scott voted for Obamacare and has voted against its repeal.

    why all the praise for his speech. he is friggin’ lying hypocrite.

  6. You should of expected NOTHING out of the NOTHING man.
    O’blather is the nothing man.
    Someone voted him in!!
    Not me. But the ballot boxes were full of votes for him.
    Voter corruption? Absolutely, but a lot of registered voters wanted their free food and CASH to keep coming. A LOT OF THEM!
    Just like pigs in the pen.
    IF the Demorats get the Mexicans to flow in through open borders, then you will see another politician like Obamster, and do another 4 plus years of serving titty milk.

  7. Pingback: 115 days to see a doctor — welcome to ObamaKare, visible now in VA clothing | Bloviating Zeppelin

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