From the
Vowing they’ve learned the lessons from the 1986 amnesty, the Senate on Thursday approved the biggest changes to the immigration system in a generation, promising this latest version will prevent another wave of illegal immigrants while at the same time granting a pathway to citizenship to most of the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country.
The 69-32 vote, which saw 14 Republicans join all 54 of the chamber’s Democratic caucus members support it, is likely the high-water mark for immigrant-rights advocates, who held prayer vigils and watching parties Thursday in anticipation of good news for illegal immigrants who’ve been waiting, in some cases for years, for legal status.
Then you have the insanity of John McCain:
“Shouldn’t we give them the same chance that we’ve given wave after wave of immigrants?” said Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican who has worked on this issue for years and who was one of the eight senators who wrote the bill that passed.
As McCain says, “wave after wave” of the illegal Mexicans. So he wishes to call those endless waves of lawbreakers as citizens. So those waves will obviously continue. Why shouldn’t they? There are rewards for lawbreakers.
Now, on to the House.
Really not surprised it passed. Just another nail in the coffin.

On the bright side:
Recall McCain and Flake movement started in Arizona.
I can only hope the House goes neutron.
Even if it does, and I so hope you are right, what’s to stop hewhoshallnotbenamed from issuing royal decrees, oops, executive orders to accomplish a lot of the goals?
He has his own view of reality. I put nothing past him.
I am sickened by this, and since many reps from the GOP have crumbled and became Obama lap-dogs, we are so screwed.
DOA in the House??? I hope to hell so…
We can hope the House will not even take up the Senate Bill. One of the CO Reps was quoted as saying the Gang of Eight never bothered to talk to anyone in the House.
And you are surprised?