Sequestration: putting things in perspective

Let’s face it, Mr Obama in DC is doing his level best to ensure that the maximum “hurt” is placed upon the Taxpayers, Proles, Groundlings and Serfs due to the heinous “sequestration” that he first demanded.  A “hurt” on dolemites and parasites?  Not so much.

Initially, Mr Obama was stupid enough to state in public, heard by southern Fornicalia Representative John Campbell, that White House tours were halted at the request of the US Secret Service — way back on March 5th.  This was because of their vast expense: $16,000 per week.  The White House spends $16,000 per week on door-shutting and toilet-flushing. This declaration was puerile and immature, in its best light.

Because, after all, at its foundation, Mr Obama quite isn’t responsible for anything.  He is simply a small and miniscule leaf caught in the cascading torrent of the Evil Republican waters!  Poor him!

Uh, no.  Mr Obama, that’s called a LIE.  YOU, sir, could have — at any time — made a request that, in the interest of the public and “for the children,” the White House tours were inviolate.   Untouchable.  Sacrosanct.  But no.  You purposely chose to close the tours and let the USSS be the public “sacrificial lamb” because you, sir, have not the slightest molecule of scruples or morals or balls.  It was time to make the “children” “suffer” and “hurt.”  Good job with that, sir.  Mission accomplished!

Today, it was announced that 149 smaller FAA-controlled aircraft towers would be shut down due to that heinous “sequestration” word.  Again, an attempt to hurt the Little People.

Because, after all, the Big People “still have theirs.”  Their Big Jets.  Ooooh, such nice and big jets!  Quiet!  Powerful!  Such nice jets with no interference from Groundlings or Proles or Serfs or Taxpayers with their insignificant little and bothersome questions!  The DC Superiors still have their nice and big and powerful and private jets!

Air Force One Mini Series:  On Board Air Force One NGCUS  - Ep Code: 4206Look at the big plane!  People in suits!  Big cars!  Red carpets!

Shall the DC Elite ever have to fly in public jets?  No, hok-ptui!  No, I say!  They are above mixing and mingling with the Terribly Unwashed!  How could you ever think of making such a demand??!!?

They need their free Senate Barbers!  They need their free Private Credit Unions!  It is a rich and important history that the perfumed princes and princesses receive their due share!

After all — they are much better than you or me!

And rest assured our DC politicians squander not one damned penny of your hard-earned taxpayer cash!

VP Joe Biden and his entourage deserved every bit of its $459,388.65 hotel bill rung up in London this February.  We must remember: it takes a lot of detailed and concerned care to maintain such delicate hair plugs as displayed on the pate of Mr Biden.

Further, Mr Biden’s one-night stay at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand tabbed up to $585,000.50 (fitty-cen’ for the Concierge tip from Mr Biden).

As with you, I am clearly thinking: this is indeed money well spent!

Screw the damned kids.  They just don’t know where the priorities need to be set in the current administration.




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18 thoughts on “Sequestration: putting things in perspective

  1. Um, let’s see here, at $16,000 per week, he saved us $832,000 per year. That’s a lot of cash until you stack it up against, oh, let’s say, his golf outing with Tiger Woods, or the family outing to Hawaii. Maybe, just maybe, he might have considered giving up just 1 family vaca a year instead? Nah! Can’t do that to my little girls. That wouldn’t be fair to them. Screw the thousands of school kids and everyone else that hoped to see THEIR White House. How dare they get so upset about such a little thing as that. Why should WE have to sacrifice anything for them? Ain’t gonna happen. Obummers do what they want. Everybody else can suffer!

  2. OK, on a serious note how often do we all consider that morons like Pelosi, Reid, etc. are making the laws that we have to live by, that law enforcement officers have to enforce? Think of all the morons before this crop who sucked and then ask yourself how you like living under the laws they make. New laws, rules, and regulations are coming down on us all the time. Pretty soon we’ll all have to drive electric cars while Barack keeps his broken BEAST.

    • You have to ask yourself:

      When was the LAST time that politicians actually enabled MORE freedom instead of LESS freedom — ?


  3. In truth the resident elect isn’t fit to run the tap water at the White House. Now that the historic residence of the POTUS is more exclusive than Buckingham Palace (still open for daily tours) perhaps the visitor’s log will also be too expensive to maintain as fascist power brokers run to and fro unobserved.

    The excuse was puerile, the purpose more sinister; but isn’t that always the case.

    P.S. Thanks for the Urban Dictionary reference. It reminded me to maintain the status of the term “cornholer” over there.

  4. At this point I am so tired of hearing how Obama demands this and that and spends money where it doesn’t need to be spent and where the money really needs to go, he immediately cuts the funds.

    Could we just cut him out of the White House?

    • Harder work for you, Leticia, and more of it. People who DEMAND their Free Cheese simply need MORE of it! “Keep it coming faster, damn it,” they cry!


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