The Clinton & DC Elite: “What difference does it make?”

Secretary of State — soon to be former — Hillary Clinton “testified” at a hearing on Wednesday, providing essentially no further insight into the attack on the Benghazi consulate in Libya back on September 11th of 2012.

Because, after all, “what difference does it make?”

You arrogant Leftist Elitist Hack, it makes all the difference in the world.

And you just contravened yourself.  Your deflection of the key issue bespeaks volumes about you, ma’am.  YOU are responsible — as you already admitted.  It occurred on your watch.  And, so, why weren’t the embassies and consulates and, in particular, the Benghazi Consulate on the highest of alert on that very important date and — further — why were additional security updates and the adding of security personnel for Benghazi refused for that station?  No, not ignored; actually refused.  It was not an issue of budget; that response is specious and incorrect.  Did you not read the cables?  Did you not read the requests for help?  Why was there no Marine presence?  Where in the hell were the Marines?  There was a 16-personnel security system turned down.  This was, literally, a War Zone.  It is inexcusable.  We had the resources.  And we didn’t deploy them.  I submit: PURPOSELY.

And you take the easy “broken female” way out: the Waterworks.  Shameful.

Clinton did nothing but pontificate and insult not only her position but the entire political system in DC as well as all of the citizens of the United States — who deserve clear and truthful answers.  She attempted jousting; she attempted witty reparte; she attempted, for five-and-a-half hours, to deflect as much as possible to some GOP questioners who couldn’t conduct a half-witted interview or interrogation for Lagos PD in Nigeria, much less sit in an open Congressional session and pose cogently crafted, logical questions in succession.  The GOP had, quite literally, FOUR MONTHS to prepare for this session.

There is nobody in custody.  There is no apparent investigation continuing.  We have a right to know the answers to all our questions.  Are we adequately protecting our embassies?  Our consulates?  In war zones?

From Rand Paul:

“Ultimately, I think with your leaving, you accept culpability for the greatest tragedy since 9/11,” he said. “Had I been President at the time and I found out you had not read the cables… I would have relieved you of your post.”

“I think it’s inexcusable,” he added.

And then Rand Paul NAILS IT:

Finally: why is there no clear timeline of this event proffered and immured and provided in a transparent fashion by anyone on either side of the aisle?

No.  There is no such thing — for an assault on sovereign American territory taking only second place to the 9/11 attack itself, since that date.

Which makes me ask: does anyone actually want to get to the bottom of the four deaths in Benghazi?

Because this — this farce, this Kabuki Theater — is eliciting nothing valuable for the nation, its citizens, its taxpayers.  Which tells me: we’ll learn nothing from this.  So the bottom line becomes: four American citizens died for no reason whatsoever.

All DC did was cover their shit like any average cat in a sandbox.


Kabuki Theatre


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20 thoughts on “The Clinton & DC Elite: “What difference does it make?”

  1. She’s a lying bitch and she & Obama have been covering this up from minute one. There is a lot I could say here but nobody wants to read pages & pages from me. I do want to say I am also totally outraged that all of the MSM and most of the American public are not outraged over what happened in Benghazi both before, during, and after the attack. The American sheeple are willing to let this fade away. We have decayed so much in recent years it makes me sick!

  2. I saw the morning questioning, I missed the afternoon session. I saw some of the video clips. Disgusting. 99% of the members questioning her should be fired

    • These people are primarily incompetent. They deserve half of their salaries, on good days. And they deserve NO salaries until there is a BUDGET — the likes of which there has NOT been for THREE YEARS.


  3. SO, the entire time she is dressed down by Paul all she can do is sit there and grin?

    LESS than worthless. Worthy of our disdain, perhaps, but nothing more.

    This is how the Republic dies. Not with shouting and the clashing of arms, but talked to death quietly while the accused gets away with murder.

  4. Here is something “they” haven’t talked about.
    Benghazi was only a “station” and not the Consolate.
    Benghazi was a “station” where the CIA held “interrogations”, stored supplies and arms, etc.
    Still ,this post was very, very important, which mandated a US Marine protection detachment.
    Also, all liberal and socialist employees of Clinton and Obama hated what was going on every day here.
    Obama is a Muslim, and this station was water-boarding his soul brothers!
    Clinton was an avowed communist supporter while attending Wellesley College for women in Framingham, MA.
    Makes sense to me that “they both” let our officers get killed.
    Just cover up the cat shit with sand!
    This isn’t the first time Hillary Clinton has been involved in a murder.
    Remember Vince Foster??????
    Hillary will give up her present position, and “swift boat” John Kerry, the traitor will be now appointed as Obama’s Secretary of State!!!
    Might as well appoint Jane Fonda to something,,,while your at it!!!

  5. Did you notice the bright, sunshiny face she put on when her Democrat colleagues were heaping praise on her great job as SOS and her great testimony?

    Tells a lot about where we are as a country.

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