“The Pacific”

The HBO miniseries “The Pacific” began two weeks ago on March 14th. A new episode is on tonight.

Two episodes have been shown. As expected, it is well-researched, exquisitely-shot and -acted. You must watch this series.

I found this link for educators here, as a PDF file. An excellent reference for those interested in continuing information on the series.

Again, I recommend the following three linked books for additional insight into The Pacific:

The Pacific, by Hugh Ambrose (son of Stephen Ambrose!)
Helmet For My Pillow, by Robert Leckie
With The Old Breed, by Eugene Sledge

In order to complete their study on WWII, I would heartily recommend that Hanks and Spielberg focus their attention on two more final areas: the 8th Air Force and the US Navy in the Atlantic and Pacific.

Wouldn’t that be a marvelous final tribute to our Greatest Generation?


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9 thoughts on ““The Pacific”

  1. Tim & Greybeard: I am supplementing the series with the books I mentioned. I am finding that REALLY fills in many of the gaps for me and helps me to understand the “when” and “where” of it all. I am, like most people, a VISUAL learner and I do best with maps and linear chronologies.


  2. Oh, and BZ, I’ve said this before in tribute to your Dad-
    With some few exceptions, I think the men of the 8th Air Force that got into those machines knowing how little chance they had getting to their mission limits were the bravest souls of WWII. If I think too much about it I end up in tears.

  3. The History Channel over the last 2-3 years has had some excellent programs looking at the Pacific War in their Battle 360 series which built on their Dogfights series. One of the best from the latter was the Season 1 piece on The Death of the Japanese Navy, recounting the fight of Taffy 3 in the Battle off Samar. B-360 had its first season dedicated to the USS Enterprise, recounting every battle it was in, how it was deployed and gave the persepective of the surviving sailors and marines about the vessel… a stunning program effectively using modern graphics, period gun camera and other camera footage, and personal interviews to bring out how and why the campaign unfolded the way it did.

    Finally the channel’s work on getting the color footage from WWII is one of the greatest feats ever done after a multi-year, worldwide search for video shot in any format by anyone that was in color. Some of it is absolutely horrifying and we see that the war censors did us no good in destroying some footage in preference to more sterile shots. Particularly in the Pacific the number of Japanese civilians that committed suicide, often entire families jumping from cliffs, is gut wrenching… and yet shows just what sort of war it was we had to fight, and the memoirs and interviews with those who fought and recorded such things is beyond price.

    Say what you will about the problematical programs on the History Channel, they have done a great job on these topics shorn from politics so we can see the effects of politics on a global scale… and it sure ain’t pretty. Let the vets tell their stories and get the ideologues out of the way: it is a winning combination for recounting history from the people who made it.

  4. AJ: yes, I’ve been watching the series WWII in color. It also is a wonderful, wonderful series.

    I seldom watch “regular” TV anymore; mostly I watch History, Discovery, TLC, NatGeo, and the like.


  5. Mr. Z – Mostly History and Discovery for me. Of the new shows I do like Pawnstars, that reminds me of a few businesses I’ve run into in various venues where family and a wayward friend or two are employed.

    WWII in color is stunning, no other way to put it. When the History Channel just lets those who have lived through some of the worst events in modern times speak… its amazing. I’m humbled by the men and women who went through so much for me and owe them my life and my liberty… and yet they take what they have done as a matter of living a life, a good life more often than not and they mourn the good friends who did not make it.

    This next season of Deadliest Catch will be meloncholy for me… a good man and father to pass, and he will not be forgotten in his passing.

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