The Ryan-Biden debate, observed:

This post will be fluctuous and updated in something in terms of real time, on Thursday.

I will be monitoring the debate via livestream and updating when applicable.

Live-streaming here.

Mr Biden seems to think that a strategy is to smile when Paul Ryan is replying.

A smile to a fact is not a strategy.

On the other hand Martha Radditz is favoring Biden.

And Ryan is NOT being aggressive — as Romney was aggressive.

Biden continues to smile as if Ryan is an imbecile.

I suspect it is playing.

Ryan drank water.  Biden drank nothing.  A minor point but significant to casual viewers.

Bad: just Biden was seen as interruptive.

Ryan is too deferential to Joe Biden.

Ryan needs to STEP UP and verbally SQUASH Joe Biden, to run roughshod over him.  He is entirely too deferential yet.

Biden got too many “last answers.”  UNanswered by Paul Ryan.

Biden is not coming out as an imbecile.  Assuaged by Radditz.

Biden continues to refer to Ryan as “my friend.”

So far, Romney has impressed me more than Ryan in this venue.  Ryan has been, then, like Obama, too entirely conciliatory.

I am concerned that Ryan is much more quiet than Romney.

Ryan was entirely TOO QUIET and TOO DEFERENTIAL.

Ryan didn’t TAKE CHARGE and make the debate over the Benghazi embassy!

So far Biden took charge and didn’t let up and wasn’t allowed, via Raddatz, to allow anything other than that.

Not ONE MENTION of Christopher Stevens, or his death or that of three other SEALs.

Ryan informs on his Catholic faith.  And how it informs his belief on abortion.

Biden tried to make things as Romney vs Ryan.

Too much derisive sneering on the part of Joe Biden.

Factually, a slight nod to Ryan.

A lesser nod to Joe Biden.

A + to Joe Biden.

A – to Paul Ryan.

First impressions.




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29 thoughts on “The Ryan-Biden debate, observed:

  1. Pretty much a draw, IMO.

    Biden landed some blows, but his Cheshire Cat grin and condescension didn’t help him.

    Biden did hurt himself with one repeated comment, to the effect of “I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.” Oh, really?

  2. OK, here’s what I saw:

    Biden was argumentative, rude, he interrupted and had an ally in Martha Raddatz… Biden came off as an oafish asshole, in other words, Joe was Joe… He had NO real argument so he ranted and laughed a lot…

    Ryan was trying had to use facts, he was allowing Biden to interrupt, he was interrupted and challenged by Raddatz on several occasions and he was far too polite for MY taste… BUT … Ryan was far more professional, and gave a fine showing of himself…

    If a wise man contends with a foolish man, whether the fool rages or laughs, there is no peace. Proverbs 29:9

    I heard one of the FOX talking heads say that this debate was not terribly important because no one ever votes based on the #2 on the ticket…

    THAT is pure BULLSHIT!

    I know quite a few people that claimed they didn’t vote for McCain in ’08, they said their vote was for Palin, and that is the most STUPID thing they could have EVER said… Not bashing Palin but to vote for a particular candidate because you don’t like him but you love his running mate? Seriously?? If McCain has won HE would be POTUS and Palin would have been the GAFFE machine… OK, so I bashed her a little.. 🙂

    • Kinda harsh, Fred.
      I was one of those that only voted for McCain because of his V.P. choice. Call me whatever you want.
      But until his choice, I actually intended to vote for myself.
      His choice of Palin at least was a gesture to Conservatives…
      “I may actually take input from someone who’s not a dimocrat in repub clothing.”
      (But your comment is an interesting one. I wonder how many others think I’m an idiot?)

        • Here’s the obvious, (to me anyway), deal:
          We had a choice between McCain/Palin, a war hero but unquestionably imperfect choice for president and a gal that was a popular, apparently successful Gov. of the largest state in the union…
          And Obama/Biden, an unknown probable Marxist and a crooked, plagiarist lifetime pol.
          I wanted to vote for a Conservative, and I REALLY wanted to avoid electing a Marxist/Socialist.
          Did we really have any choice here?

          • A popular and successful Governor?? Are you out of your mind? Successful? SHE QUIT! She is a quitter and is now nothing more than a Drama Queen HACK!

            Good Lord, the USA would have been as bad off with McLame and Northwoods Barbie as it is with Obama, McLame is a wild card that voted with the Dems more than he voted with the GOP… And for the fucking record, John McCain is still alive, where exactly does Palin play into this thing in matters of relevance? She would have been a gaffe prone, do nothing VP, and we have that now…

            You people that see Palin as some sort of *savior* amaze me, she is a quitter and a FREAKING air head! Yes, I AM a Palin hater… So fucking sue me because I didn’t want to sniff her twat…

            • So Freddie, they’re seaching through your trash. Some jerk has bought the home next to yours and is spying on your family. The lawsuits are coming so fast you can no longer do the job you were elected to do?
              And you’re telling me you’d continue to expose your constituents to that kind of fiasco?
              I don’t think so.
              And if you’re honest, you’ll admit you were not only wrong, but obnoxious.
              (But I still love ya because you’re not voting for whatshisname.)

  3. Yep, I have been reading about this on some of the Game blogs in the androsphere. Romney came across as Alpha, but Ryan as more supplicating Beta. If you want the chick vote, you must appear masterful and manly; cool logical arguments don’t matter.

    O/T: Thanks for leaving a comment on my tiny little blog. I just approved it. I don’t know how it got stuck in moderation. I thought I had it set not to do that.

    Off/off/topic: Say, whatever happened to Big White Hat? It was through his blog that I first read what you write. He wrote some good stuff about autism, and all, which I liked, thinking I have a touch of the “A” m’self. The football references were annoying, but that is excusable in a Texan.

    • It will be VERY interesting to see how Obama & Romney treat each other this coming Tuesday.

      And, BTW, very welcome. BWH retired from blogging about 6 or 7 years ago; I think Life just interfered with things — and work.

      I miss his stuff.


  4. In reflection again, yes, Ryan was more “professional.” But I wonder how “professional” plays to people who may still be “on the fence.”

    Though I still find it absolutely brain-glazing that ANYone in the country is still “undecided” about the election.


  5. I believe that Biden and Radditz pretty much ganged up on Ryan and he should have fought back a little harder but it was difficult for him, with Biden laughing and mocking him and Radditz cutting him off.

    I believe Ryan behaved like a professional and did not allow Biden’s uncouth behavior affect him. He threw in a few good punches.

  6. I too would have enjoyed seeing Ryan take a more aggressive approach, but he did come off as the classier of the two (which isn’t tough to do against Biden). Biden came off as his usual self and, I think, did more harm than good for his boss’ campaign. Even the far left media outlets are admitting that he alienated women by acting like such a jerk.

    While I would never be foolish enough to vote for a candidate based upon his VP choice, it is refreshing to see a running mate that is intelligent and capable.

    The “moderator,” on the other hand, is a waste of skin and should be recycled.

    • Biden was essentially acting as himself.

      However, just as I surmised, he came out hot and hard against Ryan, because I thought he believed he had to play hardball as compared to the Simpleton Obama.


  7. JJ said
    ‘The “moderator,” on the other hand, is a waste of skin and should be recycled.’

    I used different words but produced the exact same message. She was pitiful! OLD Joe interupted Paul 82 times (a count I’ve heard a few times that sounds just about right) and she never NOT ONCE did anything about it. Hell, Biden even got away with schusching her! She either didn’t even hear it, or completely ignored it. Either way, she sucked!

  8. I think Biden did his #1 job, he reinvigorated the base, but at a terrible price. The polls will punish them for the rudeness, mark my words, at least 2%.

    Ryan on the other hand showed America what a class act our next VP is. When the liberal pundits bash him for 2 days because he drank so much water, that leaves me a message LOUD and CLEAR, they LOST!

    Ryan B+
    Biden C

  9. I intend to vote for Romney, not because I want him for President, but because he might be able to kick the can down the road for a coupla more years, giving us a bit more time to prepare for The Inevitable Collapse of Western Civilization. Besides, if the O-hole gets tossed, I might even have a slightly-greater-than-zero chance of getting a job.

    • Unfortunately, I’m kinda in your court on this one. I really don’t think the Looming Collapse is anything we can much avoid.

      The only thing I believe we can do is attempt to minimize the shotgun wound to the gut. And I hope that when the shotgun goes off, we’re right there on the table in the ER.

      It’s the doctors that will make the difference between life and death.


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