The DEM/AMM went crazy over the Wednesday shootings that occurred at Ft Hood in Texas, where (as of this writing) four persons have been confirmed dead, including the shooter — initially identified as 34-year-old Specialist Ivan Lopez.
In an effort to “outdo” each other, the multiple and various news agencies and networks provided drooling and infantile “non-updates” for hours and hours because — in 2009 — Major Nidal Hassan conducted his Muslim Evil there. The Evil that the US Army KNEW about but purposely chose to IGNORE. Because those in the upper echelons of US Army power were clear and obvious COWARDS.
Let me go out on a limb here: the shootings by Ivan Lopez were not involved with terrorism. They were the acts of an actual criminal. Criminals that people think don’t exist on military bases. These two incidents are, in my opinion, completely UNrelated. Lopez died by his own hand, because he was, at his base, a coward.
Ignorant people believe that military bases are inviolate. They, like school campuses, somehow acquire an industrial KINGS-X that places them outside the sphere of violent reality.
And so BZ steps in, early, to shatter your kind thoughts of my writings.
The persons who died at the hands of a gutter criminal at Ft Hood are no more sanctified or hallowed than the four persons who died on Wednesday, in my county, at the hands of so-called “common criminals” who were seeking to exploit and overthrow their victims.
Death is death and crime is crime and, in truth, one death is not “more important” than another — unless you are a politically-motivated Leftist with some type of political agenda.
Let me be blunt: the US military is absolutely perfidious with a massive host of gangbangers from geographical ranges across the nation. Each military service hosts a minimum of one to multiple units whose job is to identify and then nullify the effect of gangs upon various military sections.
Cops and soldiers, you would think, are somehow held above and aside from base forms of emotional motivations except that — yes — there is only one gene pool from which to dip.
The gene pool of Humans. Who are flawed and emotional and violent and influenced but upon any number of negative or positive factors in their lives.
So school campuses are somehow inviolate because “students” walk there? And military bases are somehow inviolate because “soldiers” walk there? Many schools, these days, have greater security than the bulk of our military bases.
And so, with that, I am done with “categorizing” the “priority” of “important deaths” in our nation. I am sure that those killed at the hand of Ivan Lopez were good and true Americans. But they are no more worthy of deification than those persons who were killed in my county or your county or your city or your state the same day.
I’ve been involved in crime for 40+ years. Lopez didn’t exhibit signs of “terrorism.” He was nothing more than an abject criminal.
And criminal activity occurs on military bases and in schools and in churches and in apartments and in government buildings and — of course — at the White House and in the US Capitol building.
Anyone who wants to see what this country will look like without the 2nd Amendment need only to look at most military bases.
Unfortunately, you are correct sir.
Military bases also lack the First Amendment in terms of their religious inclinations via Chaplains.
Dude shut the fuck up . “Muslim evil” . Such a dumb ass . Both are criminals that are unstable . Douchebag .
Thank you kindly for your incredibly insightful contribution to the conversation. I suspect you graduated from Harvard, with honors.
Harvard or not, the man has a point. Muslim Evil…..really?
I didn’t think an article with some genuinely interesting points would stoop to blanket-terming. ‘Muslim Evil’ can imply that Nidal’s actions were sanctioned by his religion. Which they aren’t. Ultimately it is God’s decision alone to mete out punishment or reward. This man’s actions transgressed this, therefore a blanket term such as ‘Muslim Evil’ is pretty much wrong, except in the context of inflammatory statements.
So apparently Major Nidal, intoning “allahu akhbar,” being Muslim, killing people — that isn’t evil done at the behest of a religion? Truly? What if the roles were reversed and it was now “Major Miller,” and he yelled, before killing, “in the name of the Pope”? I suppose no one would link Major Miller to Catholicism, would they? Actually, that’s all you’d hear in the media for months thereafter.
I predicate much of what I write in my opinions upon the “reversal” rule — what would occur if roles were reversed? What would happen if the major player were black instead of white, rich instead of poor, Republican instead of Democrat, Catholic or Baptist instead of Muslim? Had a fraction of the deaths and murders committed in the name of Allah been committed in the name of Pope Francis, say, or other popes, or the Catholic religion, you’d find Catholic churches set on fire, priests hurt or killed. It would be over the top.
Inflammatory indeed. It happens to be true.
You are, as usual, brutally honest, and that is why I began to read your blog a long time ago…
Brutal honesty may not win you any friends, I can imagine the gnashing of teeth at your statement, “The persons who died at the hands of a gutter criminal at Ft Hood are no more sanctified or hallowed than the four persons who died on Wednesday, in my county, at the hands of so-called “common criminals” who were seeking to exploit and overthrow their victims.”
Personally, I agree 100%… These deaths are indeed a sad state of affairs but just because they happened at Ft. Hood doesn’t make them any more special than any other death…
I completely understand your sentiment, I just hope other do as well..
Correct, and sadly good folks died because they can’t protect themselves…
A comment that I made at my site this morning…
Let’s consider for a minute the following:
1. The Navy Yard shooting — September 16, 2013. Shooter was a civilian.
2. The shooting aboard the naval vessel in Norfolk, Virginia — March 26, 2014. Shooter was a civilian.
3. Fort Hood shooting — April 2, 2014. Shooter was an active member of the U.S. military.
I don’t recall such events ever happening that frequently here in the United States at military installations.
I think in this case we have to look at the current human condition. People haven’t been learning the same values I grew up learning, and I’m not exactly sure why. I do put part of the blame for that on the Progressive movement and Liberalism being taught in our schools and society in general, part of the blame I put at home where values should have been instilled in the first place. Most of the blame I put on the individual for having lack off character. You would think the Military would have a mechanism in place to see these broken individuals, for lack of a better term, and deal with them instead of turning a blind eye. When I was in the service these things just didn’t happen. Meh.
My neighbor and good friend!!
I feel that all soldiers coming off acitive duty should be evaluated..who ever the doctor was that saw him and knew he had PTSD should have medicated the man..NOt saying what he did was right NO it wasnt…Because my husband has PTSD and and he is coping very well with his meds.PTSD it can be dangerous if gone untreated
The image you are using in conjunction with your blog regarding the Fort Hood shooting is not the correct Ivan Lopez. The individual shown is also named Ivan Lopez and served with me honorably. By leaving this image up you can be held liable for defamation and libel. Please remove this image immediately.
The image has been removed.
Thank you for supporting your comrade. I am glad I corrected my error.
Having served and stationed at Ft Hood back in the early 60’s, I love that base.
I have great memories of it.
Never have understood their ban on firearms.
Excrement happens, and this is one of them.
The MP’s on base are spread thin, and soldier’s should have the right to have their own firearms with them, unless medically designated not to.
This shooting hasn’t anything to do with Islam.
A terribly distraught veteran,,, still in uniform.
May God take the appropriate actions,,,,,,,,,,,,
Back in the 60s and 70s private weapons were allowed on post. Problems were minimal. I believe that under Clinton is when they became forbidden. Need to go back to the old days at least for personal protection. Gun free zones only work for those who would do harm.
Absolutely correct.
You sir are an idiot
Again, thanks for adding remarkable insight to the conversation.
Meds, once again, seem to be an issue.
I’ve overheard colleagues discussing using Ambien because they had trouble sleeping. There was an instant consensus that it was seriously effed up stuff and both had had the sense to discontinued using it.
The real link here is with former Staff Sergeant Robert Bales
Isn’t it amazing? You never know what a dumbass you really are until you post something some *tards don’t like…
You should know, Fred, you should know …
That ain’t no joke…