The Trump ad social media won’t let you see

Because they’ve declared it mean, evil and oppressive.

I brand it simply this: truthful.

Dispute anything in the ad. I dare you. Because Luis Bracamontes is the illegal alien piece of human excrement that killed Deputy Danny Oliver, who worked for me at one time.



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2 thoughts on “The Trump ad social media won’t let you see

  1. Actually I think they pulled it because they thought it was racist. Racist because it implied that the actions of one undocumented person would be repeated by all the others.

    • 1. They’re not “undocumented” if they cross into the US. They are illegal. If I rob a store I am not “uncaught.” I am a robber. Words have meaning.
      2. That ILLEGAL piece of shit Bracamontes killed MY deputy, Danny Oliver. He wasn’t “undocumented.”
      3. The folks in the video are not actors. They are actual persons. And yes, it is an invasion, pre-planned and coordinated.


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