Trustworthy Media? The Final Chapter Closed:

Walter Cronkite passed away on Friday, his family at his bedside in New York City, at the age of 92.

With his passing comes the final closing of the book, including all chapters, of being able to trust your core American news media.

Walter Cronkite was not an entertainer. Clunky glasses, big nose, receding hairline. He did not come from wealth, power. He quit college to become a reporter. He was a reporter first and foremost. Yes, he leaned to the Left, but did his best to keep that bias, generally, out of his broadcasts — to a degree. Only in his later years, after retirement, did his Left bent completely take over. Up to that point, whilst actually on the air, he really wasthe most trusted name in news.” And yes, CNN stole that line from him.

Which brings me to my questions posed to you all, with some background first:

I observe that there are few news leaders today. In my time, during my childhood, it consisted of Walter Cronkite on CBS and the Huntley-Brinkley Report on NBC (HMOG, does that ever date me). The other lesser names — good readers but less-than-trustworthy — were Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings.

1. Whom, in any American media, anywhere, do you trust — if anyone?

2. Where do you go for your reliable news sources? Is there any news source or provider that you tend to trust more than others?

Please weigh in.


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22 thoughts on “Trustworthy Media? The Final Chapter Closed:

  1. There arent ANY that I trust to report the news. There are several that I trust to not exactly lie but certainly to not tell the entire story to advance an agenda.

    I wonder if Walter would think that we squandered the chance we had to have a moon station rather than the space stations 2 (skylab and Mir) that are now history and a 3rd that will soon become useless because we wont be able to get to it.

  2. Trust a journalist? You’re kidding. I stopped reading all mainstream newspapers years ago. I stopped watching any TV news broadcasts including FOX about two years ago. I still read the Jerusalem Post every day for news on Israel & otherwise rely on various websites & blogs for the REAL news. I used to read The Economist but recently stopped, the quality of their reporting has gone steadily down-hill for quite some time. Mainstream media is no longer relevent.

  3. Walter Cronkite had an outstanding voice. In my view, he was the best news reader of all time! They don’t make ’em like him any more.

    1. Whom, in any American media, anywhere, do you trust — if anyone?

    That’s a tough one. I guess that I like John Stossel and Mark Levin. But the news anchors of today? I don’t like any of them!

    2. Where do you go for your reliable news sources? Is there any news source or provider that you tend to trust more than others?

    I use the web mostly: Drudge, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Jihad Watch, Infidel Bloggers Alliance, Gateway Pundit. I typically watch FNC, but I also check MSNBC (Walid Phares!). Locally, I watch both my CBS and NBC local stations; ABC, not so much. As for trust, that’s a difficult thing to come by today.

    I do read Newsweek and the WaPo, then go digging on the web to get the rest of the story. I’ve become quite adept at using Google search. Heh.

  4. I went a round or 2 with one of your readers over this a long time ago.

    She was questioning MY news sources, and I use a LOT of news sources, but she was of the belief that if it didn’t come from FOX, and if it didn’t offer GWB a blow job in every edition, it was a lie.

    FOX is a news service like ALL others, and you can’t 100% believe ANY of them.

    All you can do is read as many as possible, look at ALL takes and then form a working thesis, read between the lines, ferret out the truth and then go from there.

    As you said, Cronkite had a left leaning tilt, always did. He was, for some reason, looked upon as the epitome of news reporting and journalistic integrity.

    Some look at Shepard Smith and Keith Olbermann in the exact same light.

    That is quite disturbing.

  5. Anonymous: that’s interesting you mention The Economist. I currently subscribe. What do you feel has changed with them?

    AOW: so you fly most everywhere for your news sources. There isn’t one source that you apparently choose over another for primary news.

    TF: Keith Olberman — you’re right, that dude IS disturbing.


  6. I have a much different take on this.

    People see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear.

    It’s not the people telling us the news that’s the problem; it’s the people listening to the news that’s the problem.

    Keith Olbermann can report that, Iraq had nothing to do with 911. Conservatives go nuts, call him a liar.

    Sean Hannity can report that, Iraq was involved in 911. Conservatives believe him no questions ask.

    The truth, Iraq was not involved in 911.

    If Sean Hannity was to report the truth that Iraq had nothing to do with 911, conservatives would have a fit.

    We all want the news people to confirm our beliefs and if they don’t we want nothing to do with them. Even if our beliefs are wrong and not to true. Many only watch or read those that agree and that’s really sad.

    The truth has nothing to do with it.

    I only use conservatives as an example, Liberals do the same thing.

    There’s two sides to every story and then there’s the middle.

  7. Frankly, with the tax relief bailouts of the newspapers and the cultlike following that Barry has enjoyed with the MSM, I’m hesitant to accept any of the pre-packaged news organizations. However, if you take the left-leaning stations and then listen to right leaning radio and Fox-news, then you find the truth somewhere in between.

    I get most of my news from the internet via Breitbart, drudge, Jeruselum Post, Newsmax and others. Also, I get some from some European outlets as they don’t seem to be in love with our government so are more likely to tell the truth.

    Gone are the days when you could tune in and trust the station of your choice to give you the truth(if it ever existed).

  8. Oh ya……

    I don’t watch, listen or read any of them, I’m just not interested in anything they have to say or report. I use to but not anymore.

    The only people I listen to or talk to are the folks that handle my money.

    It seems to work for me.

  9. I agree with GW and Ranado here. I look at news from all over the world, that is when I feel like looking at news. The most seemingly objective used to be Deutch Velle TV which was German version of BBC, sort of. But we don’t have a TV anymore so I don’t keep up with TV news at all. I get news from the local newspaper, when I read it, and websites. The AP wire, Africa news, Euro news, Asian pacific islander news and Indian news. I like to see what is happening in the world, but from the horses mouth.

    I don’t think our news gets it right often times precisely due to our biases, so I seek info from the countries under question, if I can read the language.

  10. You ask me what has changed with The Economist. First, it’s Mid-East coverage has become little more than propaganda, superficial nonsense. Their Israel correspondant probably sits around in a Tel Aviv cafe sipping lattes with our looney-left Haaretz crowd. They are so off base, so out of touch with reality, so one-sided, that it’s impossible to even read an article all the way through. I think this lack of credibility has influenced how I view the rest of the magazine.
    Second, they have become just another Eurabian apologist for Islam. Multi-culturalism ……
    Third, they seemingly have moved a bit left even in articles on economics & definitely left politically. I want more objective analysis, not ”spin” …..
    So, that’s how I think The Economist has changed. I’m Israeli, by the way.

  11. Anonymous: whomever you are, thanks most kindly for visiting and thanks most kindly for taking the time to comment.

    Whilst we’re on the topic, regarding the Middle East, who then would you recommend for accurate news regarding Israel and her issues and surrounding countries — news outlets and blogs?


  12. Ranando: tell ya what, I certainly wish I had a tax attorney and/or financial consultant I could trust — trust is a HUGE issue when it comes to your hard-earned (and you want to KEEP it) cash.


  13. BZ,

    I have the same group that I’ve had since I was 18 years old. The same group my parents used and my mother still uses. The same group that all my uncles, aunts and cousins use. The same group my Grandparents used.

    Trustworthy? They would have to be fools not to be.

  14. Best you can do is read from a variety of sources, from a variety of perspectives.

    In regards to Ranando’s example:

    Keith Olbermann can report that, Iraq had nothing to do with 911. Conservatives go nuts, call him a liar.

    Sean Hannity can report that, Iraq was involved in 911. Conservatives believe him no questions ask.

    The truth, Iraq was not involved in 911.

    If Sean Hannity was to report the truth that Iraq had nothing to do with 911, conservatives would have a fit.

    Truth is, President Bush never said Iraq had anything to do with 9/11, as far as having a hand in masterminding/orchestrating the events of 9/11. It’s a media strawman.

  15. BZ,

    I would be more than happy to introduce you to these folks, the one man that handles us.

    They don’t take on many new clients but I can get you in.

    They are located in Beverly Hills California.

  16. Who do I read for Israeli & Middle-East news, you ask. First off, as I said, I look at the Jerusalem Post, half of it is liberal BS but what can you do? They do have some good columnists, like Caroline Glick, Sarah Honig. Then I go to DebkaFile which usually fills in the blanks left out of JPost. I read the Rubin Report, Arutz Sheva, Zionist Conspiracy, & Sultan Knish. I also look at Ynet to see what the Left is kvetching about – I used to comment frequently on Ynet but they censor me too often. You know how the Left values free speech. Then I look at JihadWatch, The Religion of Peace, & The Times of London.
    There really isn’t one good source, you have to really jump around.

  17. AOW: so you fly most everywhere for your news sources. There isn’t one source that you apparently choose over another for primary news.

    I no longer trust any one source for general news. I’ve even soured on FNC since BHO’s election.

  18. I look for no single source for ‘news’.

    I want factual information on events, not secondary, interpreted pap.

    This means that I catch as I can, where I can and see what is interesting in the venues I go to. It also means I see two or three or four (or more) reports and then do my best to get rid of the extraneous commentary and figure out what happened, not ‘what it means’.

    I am very well set up to figure out ‘what it means’ all on my lonesome, tyvm, and need no help in that.

    If there was a ‘Joe Friday News’ where it was ‘Just the Facts’ I would be an avid viewer/reader. Fox News is ‘entertainment’ and I view it as such and not all that often… ‘news’ is no longer presented on television by ‘news’ channels. I’ll watch Mythbusters, instead as they are more entertaining and far more rigorous than ‘journalists’. I understood Iraq much better by reading Yon, Totten, Roggio, Greywolf, et. al. than I did from any ‘news’ source. Ditto Afghanistan, Indonesia, Phillipines, Kenya, Kosovo… no one news source can do it. Looking at the Red Mafia I probably used upwards of 50 sources, and that still doesn’t really get you extremely deep into it, just moderately well versed. The same with terrorism. Corrupt banking. Politics. They all interplay with each other and no one, and I do mean no one, covers it as an interconnected whole.

    I do visit analyst sites, but that is for analysis not ‘news’ or ‘reporting’.

    The test for the MSM is simple: take any item from an area that you are well versed in, and it can be anything you know well, and see how well the media covers it.

    It won’t be pretty, I assure you.

    Now imagine that level of incompetence across the board.

    I stopped trusting the media in the early 1980’s based on that.

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