When You’re Stressed:

What is it that you do?

How is it that you manage to step back and take, perhaps, a wider view and perspective on your individual issues?

How do you minimize or ameliorate your tensions?

Suggestions? Solutions? Take the test.

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13 thoughts on “When You’re Stressed:

  1. Try meditation, not the mystical BS, just the technique of emptying your head, sometimes using classical music, for 20-30 minutes a day. It’s always worked for me.

  2. Reading calms and soothes me. I think meditating is a wonderful thing but I can’t seem to do it. Just to “empty” your mind – that is so important, but I’m not good at it. Maybe I haven’t tried hard enough.

    When I’m feeling stressed or pushed, I try to sit down and think of all the reasons why worrying will not improve my situation or bring about a resolution, will not make me healthier, and will not make me feel better.

    It always helps. Often it does more than lessen the stress. It oftens removes it because I’m a bottom-line person to begin with and this is the bottom-line. It helps me move on.

  3. I scored a 16, which puts me in this category:

    Scores of 13-17 Danger Zone. Watch out!

    No surprise there for me. My blood-pressure readings over the past few years reflect my stress and physical pain levels — especially the top number.

  4. I got 12. Marginally good stress control, but part of that is just my natural disposition.

    Calming music combined with prayer and meditation works for me.

  5. I defy ANY blogger, particularly, to clear their mind, right!?
    Always, it’s the bottom number they say is the more crucial one, but be careful!

    I have been praying for CALM and trusting that He’s in control. Ya, ya…I know I’ve been sounding like some loon holy roller lately, but I can’t tell you how much that “please give me calm” thing’s working….I’m TRUSTING He’s in control…the result’s almost unbelievable; what Mr and Mrs Z are going through right now SHOULD be putting me over the edge. And to go through stuff AND know your country’s being run by a raving lunatic socialist should have put me over the edge months ago!

    Now? I’m going to go for a nice long swim. that helps me, too. When I DO it.!!

  6. Still getting excited about seeing your wife naked works, believe me.

    $$$, guns and surf boards don’t hurt either.

    At least if works for me, I got a 2.

  7. Relaxation? When I have a condition that makes staying awake a prime goal for most of the day? Hmmm… let me get back to you on that…

    Before that I would relax by reading or taking on interesting though relatively small projects that put my skills to good use. If one must bitch and complain, then do so over something fun and productive. Of course in those days a good shooter game was something I could get into now and again… though the fantasy, not SF type. Its amazing that the FPS category of games is used by soldiers to relieve stress in the field! We now have a prime way to relieve PTSD in the field… that to me is amazing.

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