2 thoughts on “Why are there riots in France?

  1. Meanwhile in heretofore peaceful Hungary,having failed at the ballot box, the leftwing Soros paid/associated rabble are rearing their ugly heads with demonstrations in front of Parliament. Ultimate goal no doubt to topple the Orban government. Pretext: protesting a so called ‘slave law’ which supposedly, if one believes the press (and why not?) allows an employer to compel up to 400 hrs of overtime a year, payment for which may be deferred up to 3 years. True? Of course not. The EU mandates no more than 417 hours (Hungary’s 400 hours is below that). Employers have to get the consent of the employee and any overtime must be paid at the end of each month.
    Perhaps the left hopes to draw attention away from the right wing unrest in France and focus on the poor downtrodden slave workers of Hungary.
    Some of the charming sentiments expressed: Until there’s blood, this is just a joke. We must attack!”
    “We must kill all pensioners. They are good for nothing!”
    “Someone should shoot a police officer and then let them shoot back. Then it will begin…”
    “It really bothers me, that Christmas tree. It would look much better burning.”
    “Let’s steal the tank from the House of Terror! Long live the proletariat!”
    “I hope Orbán drowns in his mother’s blood.”
    “We should shoot the police with a water-gun loaded with gasoline”
    “Light up everything, burn it all! Enter, now! Forward! With torches, forward! Burn up everything!”
    “Burn the tree!”
    “We need gasoline!”

    And yes, they did try to burn the National Christmas tree. They also stole gifts targeted for poor children. Some of them were observed later selling the stolen sleds for booze. Merry Christmas.

    • Well, Soros will have to think of a way to enflame Poland, because they also are not buying into this EU Globalist bullshit.

      I’ve known some Polish people for years who come here to visit. They tell me, and I believe them, that they love the United States and hate what the rest of Europe has become. And that many people in the rest of the EU are like them but too afraid to speak out. Imagine that.


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