75% of illegal immigrants fail DMV tests, proving they can’t drive

Mexifornia LicensiaFrom CBSLasVegas:

DMV: Most Fail Test For Driver Authorization Card

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles officials have advice for immigrants seeking a driver authorization card: study.

They estimate 75 percent of applicants have failed the written test needed for the card under a new law that made the state the 11th nationally to offer driving privileges to people in the country illegally. The cards became available Thursday.

Applicants must correctly answer 80 percent of 50 questions to pass the test. They also are required to pass a driving exam to receive cards. The failure rate on the driving test was not immediately available.

And you can believe that driving test failure statistics will not be revealed because it would reflect negatively on the poor illegal immigrants themselves, tending to emphasize a terrible, terrible stereotype.

But just wait; I’m sure someone will have the grand idea that it would be unfair to not provide illegal immigrants with licenses, because they must drive to get to work at the entrance of Home Depot in order to provide milk and food for their babies, and not pay taxes.  But to get a tax refund.  Just you wait.

One note for those who may be LE officers in Fornicalia: you all readily recognize that the ethnicity — whether you wish to acknowledge it or not — with the highest per capita rate of drunk driving arrests in the state?  Hispanics.

Bring on the illegal Mexican drivers.  And stay out of the left lane.



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5 thoughts on “75% of illegal immigrants fail DMV tests, proving they can’t drive

  1. Here in the Valley of the Slums, while on a motorcycle, I am particularly aware around landscaping trucks. I’ve been cut off by those more often than not.

    Another aspect of their culture they bring here: no turn signal use (while in the vehicle) and expecting all traffic to stop when/where ever they step off the curb. I’ve come close to adding to my hood ornament collection on that one.

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