10 thoughts on “AG Loretta Lynch: fomenting racist BLM riots and violence

  1. Going into Dallas from the South means driving thru “their” heart of the ghetto.
    My Kel-Tec sub-2000 is in reach,,, always.
    My God, what a mess!

    • It is indeed one very large mess, and the country isn’t being helped, united or repaired by either Lynch or Obama. It is being further divided.


  2. I feel any black ‘leader’ who does not strongly and publically repudiate the events in Dallas and all the race baiting attendent with blm are no different from the moslems who want us to believe they are moderate yet privately support radical terrorism. The old adage: silence gives consent.
    Where is the outrage from the average citizen over what is going on? Why aren’t there thousands of police supporters out in public showing solidarity with Blue Lives Matter?
    Do people really not care or are they buying into the guilt being pushed down their throats?
    What will happen when, not if, but when, there is an increase in KKK type groups?
    And what will happen should they collide?
    Mob violence no longer has legal consequences. Loot, destroy, it matters not, block public roads, no problem.
    Every time ovama and his minions open their mouths they are putting more fuel on the bonfire. What will be the match that will touch it all off?

    • Precisely, Abigail. That is called “tacit consent.” No objections. As some of my troops used to joke: “it’s your fault because you didn’t talk us out of it.”

      No objections because much of the electorate just believes everything the American Media Maggots spew daily and nightly. Taxpayers are too busy trying to keep their families afloat. Other Parasites are too busy ensuring they are fiscally supported by Free Cheese so they might consider to enable their own personal Leftist memes.

      In the larger, overarching picture, this is about BUILDING even MORE governmental power. I will tell you how and why in a post coming later this week.


    • “Where is the outrage…”

      The average American feels dis-empowered. Here’s where we n start getting empowerement back: term limits in the gov. There are many facets to the “problem with America”, but a good place to start is getting average folks back into the decision-making process in this nation. Once that happens, we would (hopefully) see good choices being made that bring us all back toward a moral, integrity-focused foundation from which to promote other ideas and actions in our nation.

      Just one place we can start without “going to guns” (before we have to “go to guns”).

  3. “Mayor Rudy Giuliani recently stated that Black Lives Matter is inherently racist. I completely agree.”

    BLM is also a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!!!!! When will it be called that AND treated like that??? As far as I know, inciting a riot is STILL illegal! So is blocking traffic. So is throwing shit at police–or anyone else for that matter. All that crap IS NOT protected by the 1st Amendment!

  4. In reality Black Lives Matter is a Communist front organization. It is anti American and one of Obama’s tools to try to create chaos and bring down this country. Take out its leaders and it will vanish. Group gives us a more target rich environment in their presentation.

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