FBI Director Mueller on the IRS scandal: an ignorant and overpaid fop

FBI Director Robert Mueller GraphicCheck out this video.  I’d wager Mueller has the average intelligence of a tape dispenser.  Perhaps the tape dispenser even has better-informed advisers and an Assistant Director.  Because whoever allowed this man to appear in public without an actual adult supervisor needs to be fired with prejudice.

That said, I’d wager Mueller knows how to cash his paycheck but — wait!  Likely his paycheck is already installed via direct deposit.  Thank God.  It can be so confusing.  In 2000, FBI Director Louis Freeh made $141,300.  You can double that salary for Mr Mueller today — a nice quarter of a million dollars.  Conservatively.

He makes me ashamed to have ever worked with his organization.

Paid to be stupid.  It doesn’t get any better than that.

You bleeding Zero.




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7 thoughts on “FBI Director Mueller on the IRS scandal: an ignorant and overpaid fop

  1. Unf#^king believable! Did it occur to this dolt he would be asked these kinds of questions? No wonder the LEOs I know privately refer to them as “fan belt inspectors”. The fish starts stinking from the head down.

  2. So this administration is good at a few things: Lying, stonewalling, wasting our money, dividing the populace, etc.. All this equals ruining this country or is it just a bad dream?

  3. Jim Jordan missed asking the # 1 most important question:

    “Can you please explain to this committee just exactly what the fuck do you do as the Director of the FBI?”

    What a dumb SOB, or what a pro bull shitter, whichever the case may be.

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