Rubio: Legalize Illegal Immigrants So They Can Fund Border Security

Legalization For AllHonest.  I swear.  I had another post envisioned for Saturday but, when I came across this article at, it got kicked to the curb because — in concert with my Thursday post — Republicans seem to be displaying the intelligence contained within the pot of an average houseplant this week.

To wit:

On Thursday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said one reason illegal immigrants must be legalized as soon as possible is so they can help fund border security measures by paying taxes and fines. 

During an interview on “The Andrea Tantaros Show,” Rubio, as Byron York points out, first said there was no choice but to legalize at least 11 million illegal immigrants because he said the country “cannot wait another four years” to enact immigration reform.

He then said illegal immigrants needed to be registered “as soon as possible” so the fines they pay into the system help fund border security programs. 

“We need to register them as soon as possible, not just to keep the problem from getting worse, but we’re going to require them to pay a fine, and that’s the money that we are going to use to pay for the border security,” Rubio, said, according to York. “If we don’t get that fine money from the people that have violated our immigration laws, then the American taxpayer is going to have to pay for border security.”

Does anyone besides the ol’ BZ see any kind of a problem with this urgent registration?

For those amongst us who need a bit of a nudge and a prompt, let me suggest this:

Illegal immigrants are, by their very nature, law breakers.  It’s why they fall under the category of, uh, “illegal.”  Hello?  Definitions?  Words?  Actual meanings?

So what it is about the nature of Illegal immigrants that Mr Rubio thinks will somehow suddenly yield lawful activity?

As in, magically willing to be “fined”?

Because here’s the alternative to “fined:” they can simply continue to do what they currently do best.  Exist as illegals under the radar and still stay in the country to work or conduct illegal activities or stick their proboscis into the vital and nutrient-rich streams of social welfare.

In conclusion, allow me to refine the words Mr Rubio leaves unrefined: illegal Mexicans.  Mexicans are from Mexico, a nation conquered by Spain, which is why they speak Spanish and not Urdu or Swahili.  The United States is not suffering from an illegal tide of French or, say, those from Eritrea or Luxembourg or Vatican City.  Mexicans.  Illegal Mexicans.

So let’s just do what I call the Logical Extension, Mr Rubio.  Illegal Mexicans have no real motivation to “pay fines” if the status quo does not change.  And where will you get these fines, pray tell, when lawbreakers decide it’s not in their best fiscal interest to “obey” said laws?

With finality: yes.  The American Taxpayer.



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11 thoughts on “Rubio: Legalize Illegal Immigrants So They Can Fund Border Security

    • I know, damn me. The American Taxpayer, to be fleeced once again.

      Sooner or later DC is going to run out of “other people’s money.”


  1. I dunno, is it something in the water or the air in DC that makes people become such blithering idiots?
    Someone should ask marco baby what will happen after legalization that will prevent the next wave of wetbacks from invading us? Then what, legalize them too so they can pay fines to pay for the security that didn’t happen? and on and on.
    Put up a wall , round up as many as possible and deport them to messico…
    For heaven’s sake, treat them as what they are: LAWBREAKERS and stop coddling them. Why is that so hard to grasp?

  2. I’d be okay with collecting their $500.00 fine I F their alternative was that the ones that didn’t register AND pay the fine, let’s say within 60 days of this law being passed, they were TARGETED for DEPORTATION! FIRE Janet Nappy tano and replace her with someone owning a set of balls. I dare say we would end up with maybe 2,000,000 people with a long road to citizenship and 20,000,000 people–ILLEGAL people–going back to the shitholes from whence they came. I really believe this might be the best case scenario that we can hope for, but ONLY if they deport the ones that don’t come forward, and do it fast! Let’s see if they trust the gubbermint more than we do.

    • Imagine this:

      Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens, during the depression, in order to make jobs available to American citizens that needed work.

      Harry Truman deported over two million illegal aliens after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.

      In 1954 Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexicans. The program was called Operation Wetback. It was done so WWII and Korean War veterans would have a better chance at jobs. It took two years, but they were deported.

      It IS possible. History proves this.


  3. Unfortunately, when I voted for him, he was the lesser of the two evils. The same as when I voted for McCain and Romney as the lesser of two evils. Who else was available that could actually win?

    So, you can blame me. I thought there was a glimmer of hope within Rubio.

    Just exactly can we do? Who is there to vote for? Who can actually win that espouses real conservative values and is honestly a conservative?

    That’s why I made the vow that I would never again vote for somebody that didn’t embody my values as a conservative. But, unfortunately I can’t find one so, I excommunicated myself from the Republican Party. So, what do I do and what can we do apart from bitching about what’s going on.

    I was active in the Tea Party but, grew more uncomfortable with compromise I see happening there. I mean, Rubio was a Tea Party darling, at least here in Florida.

    I’m open to suggestions!

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