Was it, perhaps, simply because MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) told too much of the truth? Was it because MEMRI supports Israel, and because it doesn’t believe in the innate goodness of Islamic terrorists?
Jeff Dunetz (@yidwithlid), a friend of mine (and who has his own corner of the Blogosphere on Yid With Lid), also writes for Ben Shapiro’s Truth Revolt.
Direct from TruthRevolt.com:
YouTube Terminates MEMRI TV Account
Someone complained that MEMRI was sharing truthful videos of Muslim hate speech
by Jeff Dunetz
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a valuable resource for those who want to learn what the Muslims in the Middle East are saying to each other away from the eyes of the mainstream media. Early on Tuesday, YouTube deleted the MEMRI account for “repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines and/or claims of copyright infringement.” In other words, someone complained that MEMRI was sharing truthful videos of Muslim hate-speech (what some call Islamophobia).
Most MEMRI videos feature Muslim speakers denouncing Israel, Jews, the West and/or the United States. MEMRI translates the text into English and adds it as a subtitle on the video.
Meaning: Google via YouTube buys into the “poor Muslim meme” when in fact, in their own words, Muslims are certainly not bashful about describing, again and again and again, how they are going to take down the West, the US, Israel, and how they will kill infidels and unbelievers unless converted.
Thanks Google. Thanks YouTube. Thanks for being such Useful Tools for Islam.
Another reason I moved my blog from Blogspot — a Google-controlled entity — over to WordPress, where I OWN my site, my URL, and pay for others of a like mind to have their blogs on WordPress as well.
America: your eyes are closed. But you are not far from having them opened.