“Hands up, don’t shoot” — four Congressional Black Caucus racists

Ferguson CBC Jeffries, Lee, Green, Clarke, Hands Up Don't ShootMembers of the Congressional Black Caucus, Representatives Jeffries (D-NY), Clarke (D-NY), Lee (D-Texas), and Green (D-Texas) put their hands up in faux outrage over the Ferguson grand jury verdict regarding Michael Brown.

Proving, unfortunately, that these members of the CBC are in fact racists.

Good to know.

From the NYDailyNews.com:

Four members of the Congressional Black Caucus did the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” gesture during remarks Monday on the House Floor, to show solidarity with protesters in Ferguson, Mo.

Reps. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex.) and Al Green (D-Tex.), referred to the gesture that has come to symbolize the outrage over the death of Brown, the African American teen shot dead by police officer Darren Wilson in August..

“ ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ is a rallying cry of people all across America who are fed up with police violence in … communities all across America,” Jeffries said.

The problem?  It’s all factual bullshit.  Via forensics as well as St Louis County grand jury testimony, at no time did Michael Brown have his hands up and at no time did he say “don’t shoot.”

These people don’t care.  They have a racial meme to provide and enhance, and they don’t care about facts.  Facts be damned.

Simple as that.



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4 thoughts on ““Hands up, don’t shoot” — four Congressional Black Caucus racists

  1. So nice to know that they are sycophant to the president and the AG in keeping a violent and racially hateful tack alive and well against whites.

    Even the politicians do not care to acknowledge that NONE of the witness testimonies or forensic evidence shows that Michael Brown raised his hands in surrender. All they care about is the destruction of the career of a good officer and the defamation of an entire segment of law enforcement.

    I watched Al Green in a news interview tonight as he squinted and babbled a bunch of unintelligible CRAP that would rival the lack of intellect, combined with the slurred speech patterns of ANY junkie who had just overdosed.

    As always, as they push their rants and cries of how racist WHITE people are, I find myself wondering…Where is the WHITE Congressional Caucus?!

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