APNewsBreak: US identifies anti-Muslim filmmaker
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal authorities have identified a Coptic Christian in southern California who is on probation after his conviction for financial crimes as the key figure behind the anti-Muslim film that ignited mob violence against U.S. embassies across the Mideast, a U.S. law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday.
The official said authorities had concluded that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was behind “Innocence of Muslims,” a film that denigrated Islam and the prophet Muhammad and sparked protests earlier this week in Egypt, Libya and most recently in Yemen. It was not immediately clear whether Nakoula was the target of a criminal investigation or part of the broader investigation into the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya during a terrorist attack.
Here is what I found for a related video:
There is, of course, a very large HOWEVER:
This “however” includes the fact that the “video” — and here’s a novel suggestion — is nothing more than a convenient excuse for the kickoff of ubiquitous global violence instigated on 9/11 against Western institutions, buildings and locations.
If there were a series of violent revolutions in Detroit resulting from Michael Moore’s “Roger and Me,” would there be a subsequent excoriation of both Mr Moore and his film?
I might submit: not.
The “video” is a ruse.
Islam is, once again, at work against those GOWPs — Guilty Overeducated White People — who are sufficiently naive, guilty, glittered, ignorant, and representative of the bulk of Western Culture.
One small piece of positivism: Google refuses to pull the “suspect clip” against White House demands.
And here is the actual truth of these “riots.”
Excuse is right, and all this came down on 9/11… What a surprise…
Simply an excuse. . .
In a vague way Islam is related to Christianity and Judaism. Each has a violent history. Now we are asked to believe that each has given up the violence EXCEPT radical fundamentalist Muslims. It’s not true. Fundamentalist members of these religions continue to murder each other indiscriminately (men/women/children/elderly) whether a threat or not. Will there ever be a peaceful world?
I must, then, be missing out on the stories of Christians killing Christian and Jews killing Jews. Perhaps I can be illuminated. A peaceful world? Not this century.
Go, Google! Someone needs to stand up to King Barry.
On the other hand, they’ll be taking down my train blog tomorrow.
I have to repost this because WP said it was too short (story of my life, at amusement parks….)
Huh? Why?
Any particular or rational reason? I mean I don’t trust google at all, but sometimes it seems like you can’t get around them
And Brian, thank you for visiting, and thank you for taking the time to comment.
Sorry, just making a point. I dislike being on the cusp of a whim. . .
Nah, but Google’s weird like that.
The reason that convinced me I need to go with YOU guys was the realization that Google COULD just wipe me off the face of the earth if one day they woke up with an eye on me.
Well, that will never happen in OUR little blog cabal… If they want to take YOU down they have to take us ALL down, and it won’t be the *host* that does it..
And that, sir, is truly what “brought me around.” I didn’t want to wake up one day and have my blog and all my archives suddenly and mysteriously GONE.
Aaah, let’s see, if the terrible anti-muslim movie made them do it, then the movie’s maker is to blame for all the riots and killings. If the violence was planned and orchastrated to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11, then NO MO bama’s apologizing and WEAKNESS are to blame. Um, flip a coin—yup, let’s blame the movie’s maker. It’s ALL his fault. To Hell with common sense. It just couldn’t be NO MO bama’s fault. THEY ALL MAKE ME SICK!!
But I know who IS to blame and WHY!
Recently I find that I have nothing civil to say. So… no point risking offending others with a tirade of profanity.
I am no longer interested in mere separation and and exclusion of the muslim world. I’m no longer interested in sparing perceived innocents, a fool’s paradise. Let God sort ’em out. Perhaps the point is that he already has. So let’s send them all to hell.
This “film maker” is apparently Coptic…
Who can blame him?
Yes, he is. A dummy, but Coptic.
BZ . . . Not to flog a dead horse but I don’t think my suggestion that Christians, Jews, and Muslims ALL have condoned WAR in my lifetime was incorrect. I wasn’t speaking specifically about today’s version of ridiculous, stupid, anti-infidel Islamic terrorists. I meant that the good guys of each religion mentioned have, in the name of defense, managed to take part in a war that targeted innocent, non-combatant, and defenseless human beings.
Oh, historically, there’s no doubt that Christians used to kill in the name of God at a — ahem — torturous rates.
These days? Only one source: Islam.