Liberal UK limiting immigration: US will not

UK BIAEven the rather liberal British realize that illegal immigration is harmful in a poor economy.

From the

MPs want immigrant ban to save British jobs

Britain should be able to block immigration from other EU countries during the current period of high unemployment, according to a group of influential MPs.

In an article for The Telegraph, the joint chairmen of the cross party group on balanced migration, Frank Field, a former Labour minister, and Nicholas Soames, a former Conservative minister, say that David Cameron must do more to tackle “the elephant in the room” by restricting European immigration.

The MPs, two of the most influential politicians in the immigration debate, suggest that draconian action should now be considered “during periods of high unemployment” — such as now — to protect low-skilled British workers struggling to compete with foreigners for jobs.

One in five young British workers is currently unemployed, with about one million people aged 18 to 24 out of work.

Oddly enough, the UK seems to understand that not only illegal immigration, but immigration in general, jeopardizes the employment possibilities of true citizens in tempestuous fiscal times.

Not so the United States, in which Mr Obama, the Demorats and any number of Republicans want to, in essence, grant amnesty to literally millions of illegal Mexicans already violating US laws.  Mexicans that are neither bringing money nor particularly necessary skillsets with them — but instead in many cases are bringing disease and crime and who then tend to commit crimes here, as many are already up into either various cartels or MS13 and then, in Fornicalia, car up into Surenos.

Do you not sense a trend here?  That is, Europe is beginning to re-examine its Multi-Kulti and Socialist leanings, whilst here in the US the current Obaka Administration is willing to engage in the very experiment failing Europe.

Proving, once again, two things:

1. Everyone thinks they can do Socialism better than the last despot, and
2. Obama and his sycophants possess Historical Alzheimers; no one seems to learn from it.



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9 thoughts on “Liberal UK limiting immigration: US will not

  1. Maybe the Brits have seen the problems the Muslim immigrants are causing and are using the high unemployment rate as an excuse to keep more of them from entering the country. If that’s not the reason, it should be and we had better take a very hard look at what they will/are doing here.

    Your 2 ending observations are correct and Obama obviously doesn’t learn from watching what happens in other countries. He has a one track mind regarding where he wants to take this country.

    • It is a system that has failed and failed abjectly. Yet people STILL want to go there, thinking that if THEY just tweaked Socialism a bit more, if would finally succeed.

      Socialism has succeeded NOWHERE!


  2. How in Hell can Obummer cut the flow of illegals into the country? If he did that there might be enough jobs available to put some welfare cases back to work–can’t have that now can we. That would undermind all that he has been working for over the last 5 years. God as my witness, I will sleep well if/when someone takes that bastard out!

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