7 thoughts on “Major witness in the Zimmerman trial:

  1. Sound was not clear enough to hear what she said about ‘retarded’… but from the looks of things it might be a case of pot calling kettle black??

    If/when GZ is acquitted there will be race riots to dwarf anything so far seen according to what I’ve been reading, you know, the Twitter call to arms. Maybe that’s what the FEMA accord with Russia is about, you know major security event…
    Also someone suggested that maybe the law should take that threat into account and convict him regardless of the evidence. Words fail me.
    Welcome to the PC new world.

    • I don’t believe so, in terms of riots. There may be some localized interruptions but Florida is NOT Gangbanger Central like Fornicalia and LA is.


    • Yes he is.

      When Zimmerman, with a WHITE name, but Hispanic in truth and features, was portrayed immediately as Caucasoid, then I knew this would be a railroading of the Nth Degree.


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