“Mizled” — proof that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a moron

Immured forever in video.  Take it away, Debbie:

Clearly, a product of Leftist public schools.  Ah, the glory, the grandeur.


I think I was mizled once.  A short time later I was gruntled.



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13 thoughts on ““Mizled” — proof that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a moron

  1. I’m sure the word she was supposed to say was “mislead”. She was obviously reading a teleprompter or something. This stupid cow can’t even speak freely, she needs someone to feed her lines so she can maybe kinda sorta stay on track.

    These jerks need to read their speeches because they can’t even remember what they are supposed to be saying anymore. I guess it is hard to speak from the heart when you position is constantly changing and your spoon fed BS has to be in exact measured doses. After all, We The People can’t be told everything, and have to have our info given to us as they see fit.

    • But see, that’s Monday Morning Quarterbacking for the parents, so we have to leave them out of it. . .

      How could they have known?



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