Moron Alert: Biden speaks about “raising taxes with tax cuts”


“This is deadly earnest, man. This is deadly earnest,” the vice president said. “How they can justify, how they can justify raising taxes on the middle class that has been buried the last four years — how in Lord’s name can they justify raising their taxes with these tax cuts?”

Correct.  Read that again.  Closely.

Yes.  Biden is that stupid.


Who, after all, has control over Taxmageddon come January 1st?



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5 thoughts on “Moron Alert: Biden speaks about “raising taxes with tax cuts”

    • Man, you just have to wonder how he continues to Stegosaurus his way through life.


      The Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut; it actually had a ganglion of nerves in its lower spine in order to make its rear legs walk — the “wheelhouse” lacked the power to do that.

  1. I firmly believe that Joe Biden can’t read anymore. Had a brain fart or something.
    Now he just “wings” it on his appearances.
    You would think the handlers of Obutthole would tell the “handlers” of Biden to just shut him up.
    But I like him screwing the pooch every time he opens his mouth!
    Keep it up Joe !!!!

  2. Well, only a couple more months before Biden can no longer be held as insurance. Until then, and since it IS election season, we are in for plenty more gaffs.

    Hey, Joe, while we’re at it, could you hand me a couple more gallons of gasoline to put out this house fire?

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