Obama and Ukraine: “consequences” for “stepping over the line”?

Sound familiar, folks?

Promises made, none kept?

As I’ve written any number of times regarding Mr Obama, he is “monitoring” (as he said here!) and he is “concerned” and there may possibly be “consequences.”

Rentoon, rentoon, rentoon.



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9 thoughts on “Obama and Ukraine: “consequences” for “stepping over the line”?

  1. One quote that comes to mind out of the ether, that has little to do with this post:

    “While everyone else on here has been raving about pretty flight attendants, I have been saying for fucking years that I would rather fly on western airlines than Asian ones, precisely because I feel safer in the hands of people who have been trained to think on their feet than people who think the most important thing about their job is to SMILE and use two hands while passing things to passengers.”

    Just saying.


  2. Don’t think the Ukraine, Russia or the rest of the world has much to worry about with Obama. He has proven his words are shallow and he has feet of clay. Obama has in fact become irrelevant.

  3. Every time he opens his mouth the world temperature goes up a degree.
    And that, my children, was the beginning of climate change.

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