Dylan Byers from Politico writes:
President Obama “obviously likes giving speeches more than he does running the executive branch,” Chris Matthews said tonight.
“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians — that means his own cabinet, that means members of the congress, either party. He doesn’t particularly like the press…. He likes to write the speeches, likes to rewrite what Favreau and the others wrote for the first draft,” Matthews said.
“So what part does he like? He likes going on the road, campaigning, visiting businesses like he does every couple days somewhere in Ohio or somewhere,” Matthews continued. “But what part does he like? He doesn’t like lobbying for the bills he cares about. He doesn’t like selling to the press. He doesn’t like giving orders or giving somebody the power to give orders. He doesn’t seem to like being an executive.”
Hmm. Not the same words of the formerly-ebullient Chris Matthews who absolutely adored Mr Obama not too terribly long ago.
Yes, you heard correctly:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: He does run the IRS. He runs the Treasury Department. He runs the United States government, and he is accountable for it, and this is nonsensical.
AG Holder is continuing, however, to ensure that Obama’s and Clinton’s collective asses are covered as, below, he refuses to appoint a Special Counsel for Benghazi:
According to Mr Obama’s thoughts and actions, he is clearly an uninvolved third party. He is not responsible. He campaigns, he speaks, he pontificates, he scowls, he reads from a TelePrompter. He believes, however, that to be expected to labor in any significant way in the White House is beneath him. It should be sufficient to appear at work daily, place his feet on any number of valued and historic White House pieces of furniture, and have praise bestowed upon him (peace be upon him).
Obama is classless, tasteless, an empty egomaniacal suit. And I have always believed that Mr Obama has NPD.
The train is approaching a switch; it is up to the American Media Maggots to align it properly for the Obama Train. Will they?
Sounds like someone who has just learned their spouse is cheating.
Betrayed, I tell you! O, the betrayal!
I am the boss but I know nothing….words he might as well be and is saying (Obama).
Matthews is still calling us all racists as we can’t stand it that he is (half!!!) black. He might have a few rants against the POTUS but he is not and never will be in our camp. I repeat, I would not shake his hand if we were introduced. Believe me, I have been introduced to people MUCH more important than Chris Matthews.
That’s true; I simply find it satisfying to realize Mr Obama isn’t quite The One some people suspected him to be.
Kept waiting for CM to mention golf! Doth the worm turn?
Fast and Furious, IRS, AP. No reasonably intelligent person could possibly believe that ‘low level’ employees decided to do these sorts of things. And one starts to wonder just what else is out there waiting to come to light.
Who’s really running the show?
Seems like if you’ve got people in charge who don’t know what is going on it’s time to get rid of them. Soon.
“Low level” employees don’t have the authority. And if the commissioner knew, then Geithner knew. And if Geithner knew, then so did Obama.
Be sure to see the graphic that I posted today.
I will look, thank you.
WTF?? Chris Matthews leg doesn’t still tingle? Oh, gee whiz, sorry for your disillusionment Chris. I guess you were wrong huh.
BZ, if you thought the IRS scandal was bad so far, check out what I put up today. It makes the rest of it small potatoes. I couldn’t even believe it at first.
I’ll check out the video, thank you.
‘I don’t know’, ‘I can’t remember’, ‘I wasn’t responsible’, ‘I didn’t do that’, ‘I didn’t have any idea that this was going on’, ‘I have no recollection of that’; THOSE are the answers that Congress is getting from Obama’s administration, the people that run this nation!
That is totally unacceptable. And with ANY luck, Obama has lost the nation as well…