Obama: Vote early and vote often

From Reuters:

Obama, who was a U.S. senator from Illinois and had before becoming president, went to an early-voting facility to show his driver’s license before making his pick for president.

“I’m just glad I renewed my driver’s license,” the president said after a poll worker asked to see his photo ID. When he handed it over, she studied it closely.

But, of course, asking to see ID in order to vote is evil and oppressive.

Just one of those little niggling things that rhyme with “hypocrisy.”




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7 thoughts on “Obama: Vote early and vote often

  1. Didn’t these same poor folks that don’t have an I D to vote with have to produce one to get on food stamps, welfare, EBT system, free housing, free medical aide, and the plythora of other free goodies they all get? Or did they lose it at the welfare office? Hey, try looking under your work boots!

    • Correct; but that’s a current PUBLIC SKOOL for you, sir.


      Spelling doesn’t count; it’s what you FEEL that counts.

  2. Back in the 30’s, 40’s, and early 50’s,,,one had to pay a poll tax, and be able to read and write, in order to vote.
    That was the law. Inviolate.
    The 1960’s ended all of that.
    Now you must have a valid I.D., no criminal record, be 18 years old, of sound mind.
    The only thing that has changed is the explosion of illiterate populations of blacks, mexicans, and foreigners who will vote legally or illegally, and very few States really check voter qualifications.

    This makes it harder for an honest person who wants to run.
    This will continue if Obama wins because he wants an ignorant population!
    Mitt Romney has to win this election NOW, to stop this travesty of our beloved USA.

    If our USA populate is really this stupid and dumb, acting like the populate of Germany in the 1930’s, then maybe we really will need a cleansing of the stupid, slovenly, illiterate citizens in order to re-gain the Nation of the USA

    Or maybe all those “facilities recently constructed” by the Department of Homeland Security are for the opponents of Barak Hussein Obama,,, the chosen one.

  3. Calling B.S. on this. They knew Obama was coming – place full of Secret Service before he got there. Whole I.D. stunt planned in advance.

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