Over a third of jobs gone in 20 years

McDonald's Ordering KioskBecause of technology.

The initial focus of job elimination will be on unskilled workers primarily because of the recent insistence on a minimum “living wage” of $15 for jobs that were never meant to be anything more than entry-level introductory jobs.

One of the first targeted forms of job elimination will be at what are termed “fast food” type restaurants, where a kiosk can somewhat readily streamline the ordering process.  Whereas a human employee once touched the CHEESEBURGER icon, you will be able to do that yourself.  These various kiosks are already in operation in Europe and here in the US.  McDonalds readily admits they are a response to $15 minimum wage demands.

Of course, there will be “unforeseen consequences” to this wage increase demand — that I readily and easily foresee.  More on that in a moment.

From the UKIndependent.com:

Robots are going to steal the jobs of chefs, salespeople and models, researchers say as they unveil full list of likely robot professions

by Andrew Griffin

Scientists have created a huge, in-depth analysis of what jobs are under threat from robots — with salesmen, chefs and even models all in the firing line.

Researchers have assembled a full list of all the things that robots are good and bad at, and so what jobs they are likely to take. In all, about 35 per cent of jobs are likely to have been taken on by robots in the next 20 years, the researchers said.

Some professions — such as therapists, personal trainers and teachers — are safe from the coming robot apocalypse. But those that require repetitive skills, the manipulation of data or manual entering of information could see their jobs taken away.

The first question you must ask: is this me?  If you have one of those delineated jobs, that means you likely inhabit an unskilled or semi-skilled job that isn’t long for this earth.

That also means you need to refocus your attention on upgrading your job skills or perhaps moving into a different job altogether.

Cops and firefighters, you’re somewhat safe for now.  But many more Intersection lights and speed cams are coming.  Some people want to eliminate the police traffic stop altogether, as well as pursuits.

Some traits don’t immediately lend themselves to a robotic takeover.

Those traits include creative endeavours, such as writing, entrepreneurship or scientific discovery.

Will or can a robot take your job?  Find out here.

For the time being, jobs that demand a high degree of human interaction are safe.

But that brings us back to unskilled and/or repetitive jobs.

Like those that illegal aliens used to fill — and jobs the likes of which are being eliminated due to, in Fornicalia, the drought — and in other places by the more rapid introduction of various forms of technology because of increased business costs.

In other words, the argument supporters of illegal Mexican (and other) invaders make on behalf of those invaders — that they do jobs others won’t or can’t — isn’t holding water any more.  A greater number of jobs in the agricultural or various service fields are being mechanized.  This isn’t speculation; it’s occurring right now.

Therefore, the “need” for more illegal immigrants in order to fill the increasing number of unskilled jobs is a specious one at best, more and more unnecessary with each and every passing week and month.

For real Americans, the writing is on the wall: adapt and educate yourself or become superfluous.

For illegals, we don’t need your unskilled labor.  We don’t have enough room to accommodate the unskilled true American citizens in the labor force already.

Which translates to: illegal invaders these days mean only to acquire their portions of American Free Cheese, their own piece of the Entitlement Pie.

Their future is to take and not to produce.

Adding unskilled Syrians who bring only more Islam to the equation?

That is stupidity beyond stupidity.



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3 thoughts on “Over a third of jobs gone in 20 years

    • Agreed. If Europe wants to fall, let it. But NOT the US. I do NOT want ANY of these bastards imported across the Atlantic into the US.


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