Registration then confiscation: Connecticut first

Guns -- Hi Capacity MagazineFrom Ginny Simone:

Once again I say — and history has proven this time and time thereafter — persons who are unarmed are called Serfs, Proles, Groundlings.

Lt Vance It's Not Even In the Cards -- RIGHT NOW“It’s not even in the cards — right now.”  So says Lt J. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police.  Sorry sir.  I don’t believe you for an instant.  You made an equivocation.

Surrendering our freedoms.  Does this sound like America to you?  Why do our soldiers fight for our so-called “rights” if we are simply in the process of giving them away to a New World Order that disdains state and national rights for an overarching global hegemony?

The Second Amendment does not — please let me emphasize this — exist to protect so-called “hunters.”  It exists solely for the protection of the citizen from the actions of its government.  Plain and simple.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I submit the founding fathers were frighteningly prescient.

Here’s the funny thing: I don’t see in the many videos available regarding the diminishment of our Second Amendment rights, many Asians or black or Mexicans.  Because they should, en masse, have gathered around

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

One point of Libertarianism upon which I most wholeheartedly agree, and why I left the GOP and became a registered Independent:

“We’re better off when government was left small, and people were free.”
– John Stossel


Guns - Free Men

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9 thoughts on “Registration then confiscation: Connecticut first

  1. People have to wake the hell up. The government is trying to find ways more and more to disarm us. Once disarmed, the government will run rough-shod over us completely.

    • Anyone familiar with history knows this is the truth. Sadly, few people know or wish to know and understand history.


  2. I’ve been in Connecticut the last few days, and given the rural character of so much of the state, I’m surprised that the people here would put up with this.

    • I wonder, Navy.
      After watching the Bundy fiasco unravel in Nevada, I believe the new “Minutemen” of our country may now be on the alert for the call.
      I certainly am. Being from Illinois, I’m ready to move my arms out of State at a moment’s notice.

  3. This crap.presently going on in Russia would not have happened if it’s citizenry had a Constitution that allowed private ownership of firearms!
    Remember this!!!!

  4. Armed revolution should be put on the table as a solution in Connecticut. What the hell were the citizens thinking by falling for that registration ploy. Should have stood fast and called the govt’s bluff. As a blue state the odds of overturning that law are slim. Too many cowards as can be seen by all the guns and magazines turned in. IT IS NOW TIME IN THIS COUNTRY TO FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS.

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