Schakowsky: Assault Weapons Ban ‘Just the Beginning’

From Breitbart’s Big Government:

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a member of the Democratic Party’s leadership in the House of Representatives, suggested to Jason Mattera at a Feb. 13 women’s rights rally that plans for an assault weapons ban and private-sales background checks were only the beginning of a broader gun control agenda extending to handguns as well.

Schakowsky evidently did not recognize Mattera, a conservative video journalist and senior investigative reporter for Talk Radio Network, who infamously confronted Vice President Joe Biden in the Capitol. (Mattera introduced himself to Schakowsky by name but did not indicate that he was filming or that he is conservative.) She spoke to Mattera as if he were a fellow gun control enthusiast–and Mattera played along, eliciting answers about Schakowsky’s enthusiasm for gun control.

It’s no surprise that Demorats, Leftists, Progressives and the Obama Regime wish to abrogate the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd Amendment because — once the 2nd falls — the 1st Amendment is up for bid.

And then the individual has no control, and Government ultimate control.  One then becomes a Prole, a Groundling, a Serf, a Subject to the King.

In the exchange:

Schakowsky: We’re on a roll now, and I think we’ve got to take the–you know, we’re gonna push as hard as we can and as far as we can.

Mattera: So the assault weapons ban is just the beginning?

Schakowsky: Oh absolutely. I mean, I’m against handguns. We have, in Illinois, the Council Against Handgun… something [Violence]. Yeah, I’m a member of that. So, absolutely.

Mattera: We’ll never get a handgun ban with the Second Amendment as stated.

Schakowsky: I don’t know. I don’t know that we can’t. And there may be an allowance, once again, for communities–I have communities in my district that prohibited handguns within their borders. The rights of municipalities and states to view that as a sensible way to keep people safe–I don’t think it’s precluded.

Clear evidence, in my book.

This is nothing new.  Mr Obama himself quite clearly stated that no one should own firearms.

From Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr. at

In his new book, At the Brink, economist and author John R. Lott Jr., assesses the presidency of Barack Obama and recalls conversations regarding gun laws they had while working at the University of Chicago.

In Chapter Three, Mr. Lott discusses gun-control and takes the reader back to his time at the University of Chicago, where he and then-professor Barack Obama spoke on numerous occasions about guns in America.

“I don’t believe people should be able to own guns,” Obama told Lott one day at the University of Chicago Law School.

(A) chapter (of the book) documents the actions that Obama has taken on guns, citing the following:

  • In 1996, Obama supported a ban on handguns
  • In 1998, he supported a ban on the sale of all semi-automatic guns
  • In 2004, he advocated banning gun sales within five miles of a school or park, which would have shut down nearly all gun stores

Mr Obama has spoken many times.  His original words are clear and undiluted: he’s coming for your American rights.  He fervently believes that no individual should own any kind of firearm.

As far as Mr Obama in concerned: no American civilian is responsible or can be trusted.  No one.  Not you.  Not me.




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9 thoughts on “Schakowsky: Assault Weapons Ban ‘Just the Beginning’

  1. I’ve been telling people that will listen to be vigilent for the last ten years, and when they see any kind if friction toward the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, to take action positively toward it’s protection.People thought I was nuts to think anything bad could happen. I’m not saying I told you so, I’m saying many of us saw this on the horizon. We better ALL get very active or we will be sorry.

    • I’m as active as ensuring my troops won’t unlawfully begin removing guns from persons absent probable cause or warrant. Via Oathkeepers.


  2. My apologies folks, I didn’t realize the top video in this post was being such an asshole to my readers — and thanks to TW2 for making me cognizant of this. Apparently the video simply starts out loudly — by itself — and drowns out everything else in quite an obnoxious fashion. It has since been cut. The Jason Mattera video contains all the salient information in any case.


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