Thank you again, Barack Hussein Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and other paid Race Pimps, for setting the tone of political and fiscal profit for racial dividers.
How do you explain these terrible national racial politics to the son of a slain officer? How and why his father was assassinated because of a meme promoted by his father’s president, attorney general, and racial politicos?
Who, by the way, will never be accountable to this young man.
How do you explain that?
Two of America’s finest ambushed by a black bastard with a long felony record.
This is exactly what we will face daily as long as that other black bastard is President.Obastard is smirking and smiling,,,,,,,,,
We now officially have a race war.
You better be prepared, and never think it could not happen to you!
I agree that Mr Obama has been pushing this war for some time. As the least divisive, he is proving to be the most divisive.
Well my brother, for your infomation…. blacks are peacefull people, it’s you whites who are violent and using your mass media to point fingers after you commit heinous crimes against humanity, typicall of satan “THE ACCUSER” you remember him..right his your father. but pray blacks with their massive strength don’t march on you albinos, or else, you will be history. “FREEDOM IS NOT STRENGTH..ITS THE FEAR OF GOD”.
Please see my reply below.
Evidence please, (a few FACTS) to support your “peace-loving black people” claim. I totally agree there ARE some peaceful negroes. However, the statistics amassed by liberals overwhelmingly state there ARE ALSO quite a number of violent negroes who rob, rape and steal. MANY of their victims are “black lives who (evidently don’t) matter.” I say evidently don’t because the race-baiters, media and many of the masses tend to ignore such FACTS. Have a pleasant New Year. And, just so you know, your (negroes) “Massive strength” being brought to bear against whites–will not end well for the negroes (as you comprise only about 13% of the US population). And your “best and strongest” are busy making millions playing with one ball or another for entertainment purposes.
Kenny is the epitome of a troll. The thought process is simple and its the very problem with out nation today.
Blacks suffered an injustice in history, Blacks therefor deserve special treatment for all eternity from everyone in America. Blacks from birth are entitled to special treatment because of our ancestors treatment of them. Blacks shouldn’t be in jail, they should be put on pedestals and white people need to sacrifice themselves at their feet.
The truth, which is lost in the discussion is: That entire erroneous belief is a crutch the black community uses to remove itself from responsibility, character and morality. There’s some very good role models for the black community that have left that line of thinking. They have left the plantation of the mind that keeps the black community in chains for a democrat party that uses them as pawns. They as a whole are faring the worst in this economy and one of theirs is sitting on the throne.
Well my brother, for your infomation…. blacks are peacefull people, it’s you whites who are violent and using your mass media to point fingers after you commit heinous crimes against humanity, if the cops did the right thing it wont have gotten this far. its just a matter of time before more silly white cops start shooting innocent people again. then all hell will break lose.
Customarily I don’t do this, but your making this comment on this particular post creates ire in myself. My first two thoughts were, in this order:
1. Odd, I don’t see YOU doing the job of a cop or you would have said so. You aren’t big on sacrifice so I’ll wager you’ve not served your country or you would have said so as well. Clearly you’re a Millennial Taker.
And, specifically in regard to making your comment on this post where a son mourns his father:
2. Fuck you.
And I mean that with the utmost respect.
Funny… Peaceful people huh?
In over 20 years of carrying a badge and a gun I had to discharge my weapon 3 times in the course of business…
The 1st time was when a peaceful Black male tried to shoot my partner in the back.
The 2nd time was when a peaceful Black male stabbed ME from behind, requiring over 100 stitches to close the wound in my right shoulder…
The 3rd time was when a peaceful Black male hit a different partner in the chest with a snow shovel…My partner was OK because the brunt of the strike made by this peaceful Black man was absorbed by his ballistic vest.
Ya know, if Black folks were as peaceful as *some* seem to think the prison system wouldn’t be over-run with ghetto rats.
I’m pretty certain that it is inevitable, some silly-assed nigger will challenge a Cop thinking all this bullshit and protesting will get him a free ride..
Well, guess what, it won’t, there’s no free rides except in the Coroners van…
And the 3 times I was forced to fire I did so with a .45 Colt Mark IV Series 70 loaded with 230 grains of bullshit splattering goodness.. All 3 perps died and WE lived to fight another day…
In respect for the son of the slain officer and officer who was killed by a coward so much so he ate his own bullet..
I can not fathom the treatment of blacks as slaves. Much of it by their own who sold them into bondage from their own country.
That said there is no excuse for planned assassinations, ambushes blaming that it’s white police racist murders..not true in the Brown case nor in the NY Eric Garner case..
Had Brown not committed strong armed robbery he is alive today..had Garner complied he would be alive..if he was not morally obese with heart troubles he is alive….there is no argument you can present now or ever to reverse the actual truth…you apparently have never served your community or country or you would have acknowledged the fact…
In regards to your commenting on the site where a son mourns his father…I must agree ..
Fuck you as well.
This is sadder than sad for the families of the 2 police officers. I’ll take this opportunity to thank BZ and all the other LE officers in this country for helping keep the peace in this country. It’s too bad the “man” at the top wants to screw that up.
Sad state of affairs right now. Our country’s leaders are leading our nation into a dark place. Makes me concerned for all law enforcement as well as the rest of us law abiding citizens. It feels like a criminal takeover. I think if we keep coddling them, they will eventually win. Except at my house.
I hold the media to be responsible as well. Coverage of this atrocity on NPR mentioned the “Choke Hold Death” of Eric Gardner as a reason for the shooter’s rage. I heard it referenced 7 times. This false mantra continues to be promoted. Somehow or another, to them someone being “choked” can gasp “I can’t breathe”. Chokes cut off the air and thus the voice. Keep lying, media, keep lying.
I agree. It is the media that is making us weak, as now countries are pointing their fingers saying we are violators of human rights. Wrong. We are enforcing laws in our nation. “Enhanced interrogation” as well — just WHO spilled that can of beans for political purposes? Of course, Demorats. And I have NO problem with waterboarding.
If you can yell *I can’t breathe* you’re as liar because to yell *I can’t breathe* you have got to be breathing… But we already know what LIARS that species is… Yes, I said SPECIES… I can be more explicit if you like…
.45ACP, this had NOTHING to do with a choke hold. It was a matter of what cops know as “positional asphyxia” which is taught on the Left Coast. Don’t know if NYPD is cognizant of the issue.
BZ, it appears that *Kenny* is spoofing the email system, he is, according to my IP locator, in Ghana, Greater Accra, Accra ( … If that’s NOT the case, then YOU have a troll on your hands… Probably have a trouble stirring troll regardless…
Ghana. How appropriate.
We have criminals waging WAR on American Law Enforcement and some moron from Ghana wants to throw his .02 in the pot.
Well Kenny, you’re right about one thing; all HELL will break loose but the outcome is NOT going to be what you expect. In OUR family no one fights alone, we’re The Thin Blue Line and we’re the biggest, most well equipped and bonded gang in the whole world.
Bring it you bastard!
Pingback: Massive manhunt underway right now in Los Angeles after 2 police officers were shot at while driving in their cruiser | Bloviating Zeppelin
Kenny the Coward hides behind his anonymity in an attempt to verbally assassinate police officers…..perhaps he needs a little lesson in how this system works. In my almost 40 years in law enforcement, I have worked with all types of law enforcement officers including (your first lesson is here, Kenny!) BLACK law enforcement officers. Yes, Kenny, they do exist in today’s world. If you were to bother to put yourself into a patrol car for a ride along, you would quickly realize all cops are citizens no different than the rest of us except for the career they have chosen. They are highly trained, motivated to protect, (Second lesson….even morons like yourself) and driven to serve their communities. They run towards the danger whilst others run FROM the danger. I’m guessing you are the latter, Kenny. Because if you had any inkling of the uncertainly that awaits a cop each and every shift they work, then you would understand that they sometimes have milliseconds to react in order to save their own or other potential victim’s lives. It’s sad that you can’t see beyond your own racist bias to understand that keeping the peace in this country has absolutely zero, Nada, zilch, nil to do with color. It has to do with stopping criminal activity. You have consumed a lethal amount of the Sharpton cool-aid and believe that because a black criminal dies at the hands of a white police officer, who is trying to protect the public from the criminal activity, that it must always be the results of racism. I challenge you to have the balls to complete a ride-along with a (pick your color) police officer and see what they must to do to survive a work day. I then challenge you to have the fortitude (guts, backbone, bravery) to come back to this blog and post an apology to Jaden Ramos for your lack of respect for his fallen heroic father. Karma is a wonderful thing……I suggest you don’t abuse it.
Thank you Sir Spokes.
Pingback: 2 Police Officers Ambushed in South Los Angeles | The TexasFred Blog
We are FAMILY and some folks are getting VERY close to finding out one thing; we’re not White, Black, Red, Brown or Yellow… We’re BLUE and when the BLUE breaks bad on your ass it’s all over…
point # 2 almost made me piss myself.
You and Texas Fred be safe out there. My thoughts and prayers for your safety everyday.
Thanks for what you do for your communities.
A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both.
The same goes to you Spokes.
Sorry I missed you on the first post
Sorry I’m late – did I miss anything?
Oh, yeah – the discovery of the troll’s origin. And his blatant drinking of the Lame Stream Media’s Kool Aid, brought to you by the letters BHO and Eric “The” Holder.
“Kenny”, let’s get one thing straight. Until and unless you have dropped your self-serving interests long enough to realize there IS a greater good out there, much less long enough to want to SERVE the greater good, you have zero legs to stand on. The members of the Law Enforcement family have taken their commitment to the fabric of this society and made it the reason they live. Many of those LEOs are former military. You know what you learn in the military, Kenny?
That’s what I thought, you don’t. Because you haven’t stopped crying “MeMeMeMeMeMe” yet. You may never stop crying about not being taken care of. And you know what, Kenny? There will be LEOs willing to serve and protect your uncaring, selfish, crybaby entitlement attitude until the day your worthless life ends, because that’s what they do.
I second BZ’s second point.